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Iron Therapy

With the demands of work and family, life can be busy, hectic and stressful enough. Therefore why would anyone in they’re right mind want to spend any of their precious down time that they get lifting weights in a gym?

Simple. Because life IS BUSY, HECTIC and STRESSFUL enough!

Why Workout?

Why do people workout? I mean despite the numerous health benefits that come along with exercising regularly and following a relatively clean diet, is it really that necessary to do it? And sure sculpting your body while lowering your body fat might make you look and feel better about your outer appearance, but isn’t it what’s on the inside that counts? And yes, you’ll most likely live longer, feel healthier, and have an overall better quality of life just by becoming more active and fit, but is all that time and effort spent in the gym and in the kitchen really worth it?

An Education from Experience

I don’t have a degree in kinesiology. I don’t have my bachelor of science in biomechanics. Hell, I barely even graduated high school. Yet, I know a thing or two about human anatomy and physiology. I consider myself to be quite knowledgeable in the field of post-physical rehabilitation therapy. And I do believe that with almost two decades of experience helping people lose fat, build muscle and become healthier, has given me some credibility in the health and fitness industry. With that said, everything and anything I learned about pertaining to diet, exercise and recovery, I learned in the gym. A textbook can only teach you so much. In my opinion when it comes to learning what works and what doesn’t work with regards to body composition, lean muscular gains and overall improvement in health and wellness, nothing beats experience.

Building Muscle While Strengthening Your Mind

I owe a great deal to bodybuilding. What first started as hobby and then transformed into a successful career, has become a major focal point in my own day to day life. Exercising regularly goes far beyond pleasing aesthetics and a healthy income for me though. As grateful as I am that I am fortunate enough to make a very good living from something that I enjoy doing, neither of the above bi-products are the main reasons as to why I workout.

Mental Wellness

When I’m feeling stressed, I go workout. When I’m feeling depressed, I go workout. And when I’m feeling tired and irritable, I go workout. Now I wish I could tell you that working out fixes all these negative emotions that I feel from time to time, however that would be a lie. I can however tell you that with the release of endorphins caused by working out, that it does help me though. I would never go as far as to tell someone that exercise alone is the cure for all mental illnesses. However I do strongly believe that exercise itself can have a significant impact on helping someone battle with their own internal demons. Exercise has helped me cope with death. Exercise has helped me cope with anger. Exercise has helped me cope with sadness. Without exercise I feel as if I would be lost. Without exercise I feel as if I would have no outlet to release my emotions. Without exercise I feel as if I would not be able to help people. And without exercise I feel as if I would have no purpose.

So the next time you’re feeling too stressed, depressed, tired, etc, to go and exercise, perhaps you really should just go and exercise. Alcohol, drugs and comfort foods are not long term solutions. And although using fitness to fight mental fatigue, burn out or even a type of disorder, may not be the permanent solution, it definitely can’t hurt in the long term.

Remember, a healthy body equates to a healthy mind……

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance