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Is It Bad To Eat Before Bed?

"Don't Eat Late At Night!"

"Eating At Night Will Make You Fat!"

"No Carbs After 6PM!"

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Although some of it may sound familiar, all of it is complete and utter bullshit......

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How To Spot A Shitty Supplement

The Supplement Industry is a Multi BILLION dollar industry. And with good, reason - The sleazy supplement salesmen and saleswomen are excellent at selling their bullshit.

Ask any of my clients which supplements I recommend that they take, and they themselves will tell you that I’m extremely conservative when it comes to using these so-called performance and health enhancement proprietor blended powders and pixie dust pills, filled with cheap fillers and ingredients that I can't even pronounce.

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How Do You Train Through An Injury?

Dealing with an injury sucks. Regardless if your injury is causing you acute pain or chronic pain, it's just a serious pain in the ass to have to live with. As someone who has had his own fair share of injuries, I can relate to the impact that they can have on a person's day to day life. From waking up constantly feeling sore in the morning, to having difficulty bending over to tie your shoes, to even walking for prolonged periods of time, an injury can really disrupt the way in which we live our lives.

And although, we're all told that rest is the best cure when working through an injury, is it really the best solution?

In my experience, sometimes yes, however most times no......

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Cardio Confessions

When it comes to the subject of cardiovascular activity for weight loss, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion. I believe the main reason for all this bewilderment is due to the multiply misconceptions and misleading misinformation being generated online these days. Unfortunately there are some people who have been successful at losing weight and therefore feel that this entitles them to give unwarranted advice. A few of these individuals will even go as far as to overcomplicate the fat burning process, to tempt the potential, unsuspecting client, to either purchase a product or service from them.

Well, as someone who has worked within the fitness industry for over two decades, I'm here to confess something to you all - LOSING WEIGHT IS NOT COMPLICATED!

However just because it's not complicated, does not necessarily mean that it's easy. And yes, there are more effective ways to burn body fat then just starving yourself and performing hours upon hours of endless cardio sessions. And today, I'm going to share some of these effective strategies with you, in hopes that you don't fall victim to handing over your hard earned cash to the sleazy salesmen trying to sell you their shitty fat loss supplements, or the moronic meatheads trying to market their generic weight loss programs just to make a quick buck.

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