Over the years I’ve spoken, blogged, posted and preached about the importance of living an active and fit lifestyle to you all on a daily basis. Therefore whether you’re a client of ours and/or an avid reader of my weekly blogs, then you already know that regular exercise can reduce the risks of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. However what you may not know is that besides from preventing possible health issues, regular exercise can also improve certain other areas of your life as well. For example, many of our clients who train with us on a regular basis, find that their productivity levels at work are much higher after a workout. They think more clearly, they have more energy and therefore their overall job performance increases significantly.
As someone who works in the the health and fitness industry, I feel that it’s my job to share the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years with regards to the numerous benefits that regular exercise can offer to us. And today I want to talk about the benefits that exercise can have on our sex lives. And believe me, these benefits are worth the read!
Studying Sex
Sex is Fun. Sex Is Normal. And Sex Is Healthy.
In men, regular exercise has been shown to be a natural Viagra. It’s associated with lower risk of erectile problems. Over the past two decades, several studies have found that when sedentary men between the ages of 25-75 have been assigned to participate in vigorous exercise programs for just a few short weeks, they report more frequent sexual activity, improved sexual function, and greater satisfaction.
Research in women has found that those who are physically active report greater sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction in comparison to women who are sedentary. When it comes to both genders, those whose fitness levels increased the most, have seen the greatest improvements in their own sex lives.
Is “The Pump” Really Better Then Cumming?
Arnold Schwarzenegger was once quoted as saying that the pump in the gym was better then cumming during sex. Well as much as I’m a fan or Arnold, I have to strongly disagree with him on this. The pump that we feel in our muscles from lifting weights is nowhere near as good, never mind better, then having an orgasm. However, there is something to be said about increased blood flow (“The Pump”) when it comes to better sexual function in both men and women. If blood is able to flow more freely and quickly during arousal, then the stronger that arousal and attraction will become, thus leading to a stronger sexual appetite.
Strength Training For Sex
Resistance Training with weights has been shown to increase levels of testosterone in both men and women. An increased level of testosterone equates to an increased sex drive. An increased sex drive leads to a stronger desire for sex. A stronger desire for sex leads to – well you get my point. Lifting weights on regular basis can also help enhance our own self-image. A confident self image allows us to feel more sexually desirable, thus leading to better sex. Also, the strength, stamina and flexibility that we build in the gym, can also help improve both our performance and enjoyment that we experience in the bedroom.
Does Sex Count As Exercise?
Okay, so after all this sex and exercise talk, you might be wondering if sex itself could be considered as a good source of exercise. Well to answer this question accurately and honestly, I think you would have to consider the length and intensity of your sex sessions. Despite what many men will claim, sex doesn’t last as long as most other physical activities such as running and/or working out with weights. Yes, a good roll in the sack, or in the car, or in the park, etc. can build up a good sweat. However considering that most sexual encounters last less then 10 minutes, I would recommend sticking to the treadmill, stairclimber and/or elliptical trainer to get your sessions of cardiovascular exercise in, and save your sessions of intimacy for pure pleasure and enjoyment.
Creating a Happy Ending
Remember, sexual health is an integral part of health, well-being and quality of life as a whole. To preserve an active and satisfying sex life, I recommend following a relatively clean diet and exercising on a regular basis. Feeling good in your body and about your body will help you fully enjoy your own sexuality which in turn will only help improve the quality of your sex life.
Get Fit. Stay Healthy. And Enjoy Your Sex!
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance