When it comes to the subject of cardiovascular activity for weight loss, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion. I believe the main reason for all this bewilderment is due to the multiply misconceptions and misleading misinformation being generated online these days. Unfortunately there are some people who have been successful at losing weight and therefore feel that this entitles them to give unwarranted advice. A few of these individuals will even go as far as to overcomplicate the fat burning process, to tempt the potential, unsuspecting client, to either purchase a product or service from them.
Well, as someone who has worked within the fitness industry for over two decades, I’m here to confess something to you all – LOSING WEIGHT IS NOT COMPLICATED!
However just because it’s not complicated, does not necessarily mean that it’s easy. And yes, there are more effective ways to burn body fat then just starving yourself and performing hours upon hours of endless cardio sessions. And today, I’m going to share some of these effective strategies with you, in hopes that you don’t fall victim to handing over your hard earned cash to the sleazy salesmen trying to sell you their shitty fat loss supplements, or the moronic meatheads trying to market their generic weight loss programs just to make a quick buck.
Tip #1 – Make More Muscle
In my opinion, one of the main reasons why most people have trouble losing weight is because they don’t spend enough time in the weight room. If you’re an avid reader of my weekly blogs or are a client that trains with me online or in person, then you already know that the more muscle a person has, the easier it will be for that person to lose body fat. There is no getting around it – Muscle burns fat. Therefore the more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn in a rested state AND while you are performing your cardiovascular activity. With that said, if all you’re doing in the gym, is spending time on the treadmill, stairclimber or spin bike, then all you’re going to do is create a skinny fat physique. And if you’re not familiar with the term skinny fat, then I suggest you google it because that’s how you’re going to end up if you keep skipping out on the weights for the cardio-only sessions.
Tip #2 – Time and Type Matters
Without a doubt the two most common questions I receive when it comes to cardio, is: “What Type Of Cardio Should I Do?” and “How Long Should I Do It For?”
Let’s start with the first question. When it comes to the type of cardio that you choose to do, I believe that standing is always better then sitting. I’m not against using the stationary bike, (especially if you’re participating in an intense spin class) however in my opinion, using other options such as the treadmill, elliptical, stair climber and even the rowing machine, will allow you to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time.
As for the second question, I always recommend to my clients who wish to lose body fat, to perform longer duration cardiovascular activity with lower grade intensity. This can be something such as a speed walk on the treadmill or a light sweat session on the elliptical machine. As for time, for maximum fat loss, I always recommend to do at least 20 minutes of this type of cardiovascular exercise 5-6 days a week. This ofcourse will vary based on the individual that I’m working with, as there really is no one size fits all plan for everyone and numerous factors to take into consideration such as age, gender, target training goals. level of fitness, thyroid issues, etc.
But wait a minute – Doesn’t it make more sense to perform high intensity cardio so that we burn more calories in less time?
Simply put – Yes, you will burn more calories. But in reality the quality of those calories won’t necessarily be all from body fat.
Yes, it’s true that your body will utilize more energy to perform higher intensity cardio sessions. However some of that energy your body is using will actually be taken away from your muscle bellies and not strictly just from your extra body fat. Remember, the body’s preferred choice of fuel is carbohydrates. Once you burn off those carbohydrates, it’s next preferred choice of fuel will come from your muscles. Our bodies are smart and will always try to retain fat before they retains muscle. This is strictly for survival reasons and is in our genetic make-up as human beings. Therefore if you don’t want to burn all your hard earned muscle, then it is suggested that you keep your body in a non stressful state and focus on lower intensity and longer duration. This will ensure that the calories you are burning are coming from your fat storage rather then from your glycogen receptors.
Tip #3 – Keep It Consistent
My last tip should be an obvious one however this is where most people end up losing their drive and motivation. If you want to see results with your physique and feel results with your health, then you have to remain consistent with your diet and your training. You can’t just go to the gym sporadically for 2 to 3 weeks and expect to see results. You also can’t just go to the gym for a few months and then take a few months off and expect to maintain your results. Consistency is and always will be key. This is why I don’t really believe in an “Offseason”. I believe even a person’s so-called “Offseason” should be strategical. No, you don’t have to live in the gym 24/7, 365 days a year, but you do have to make an effort to remain on track with your progress.
The Final Lap
Instead of worrying about how much cardio you should do, and what type of cardio you should do, just first make a commitment to do your cardio on a regular basis. Whether that means a brisk 20 minute walk first thing in the morning or after your resistance training session, just start doing it. Then take a look at your diet. Yes, it’s true – You really can’t out train a bad diet. Therefore you can do all the cardio you like, but if your diet is shit, then…well… you’re probably going to look and feel like shit too.
Remember, aesthetics aside, at the end of the day, you’re main reason for wanting to become more fit and active should be for overall health and longevity. This goal, if taken seriously, will help you remain motivated for life, rather then just for a few short weeks or months.
Stay Focused. Remain Committed. And Be Grateful For Your Health.
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance
Yours in Good Health,