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God Damn Mother Fu#king COVID-19!

I Hate You!

You’ve Destroyed Lives!

You’ve Terminated Jobs!

You’ve Triggered Depression!

You’ve Caused Despair

You’ve Created Greed!

You’ve Increased Theft!

And You’ve Given Me An Idea……..


Alright, enough is enough! And I’ve had enough of this damn virus that has caused a global pandemic. I’m done with being angry. I’m finished with being scared. And I’m ready to fight for my life and for the lives of those around me.

I’ve read the research. I’ve kept track of the stats. I’ve listened to the conspiracy theories. And I’ve prepared myself to go to war.

However the war I speak of is not with another country. The war I speak of is not with another man. The war I speak of is with an enemy that I’ve been told is invisible and has the ability to destroy everything in it’s path. So how the hell am I prepared to go to war with it?

Life in Lockdown

As a Canadian Citizen who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, I think it’s quite ridiculous to hear some of my fellow neighbours moaning and groaning about living in “Lockdown”. The reality is that we have still been given permission by our Government to leave our houses for groceries and to stretch our legs when necessary. Yes, we have to practice social distancing and yes, we have to practice good hygiene, but no, we are certainly NOT in any sort of lockdown.

With that said, leaving the house isn’t too much fun these days anyways. I mean 95% of the stores are closed. Most of the public parks are off limits. And running into someone you may know on the street has become increasingly more awkward when you have to shout at them from across the street because you can’t go near them. But you know what? So what! 6 feet apart is better thaen 6 feet under the ground!

Now even though I’m not officially in “Lockdown” how can I expect to prepare myself for a war when I have so many restrictions and laws that I must abide to?

Living a Life In Isolation

If you are following the rules and staying at home as much as possible, then I hear that it can have quite a negative impact on our mental health. I would imagine that for those people who live on their own, loneliness and sadness would have set in quite quickly after COVID-19 swept the world. And if you’re married and/or have a roommate, then I would guess that the close quarters that you both live in, have led to short tempers, frustration, and aggravation at times. Hence, why it’s not surprising to hear that liquor sales have gone up 40% within the past few weeks.

So if living a life in isolation is bad for my mental health, how can I expect to prepare myself for a war with my Invisible Enemy, if my mind isn’t right?

How I Plan On Winning The War

Despite the obstacles I face in this war, I have come up with a strategy that will allow me to win, IF everyone else does their part as well. And that strategy is:

1) STAY THE FUCK HOME AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE – No More Walking/Running On a Busy Seawall!


3) WORK ON YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH BY DEVELOPING AN EXERCISE ROUTINE THAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME – Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Body Weight Squats, etc Can All Be Done Without a Gym and Without Equipment.

4) PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE ALL DAY EVERYDAY – FYI This Step Should Be Continued Long After The War Is Over

5) LISTEN TO THE PROFESSIONALS – As In The Doctors, Scientists, And Yes, Even The Government

6) IGNORE THE COVID TRUTHERS – Honestly, These People Are Worse Then The National Enquirer

7) BE SKEPTICAL OF MEDIA REPORTS – The Media Has Been Known To Sensationalize Certain News Reports At Times. Be Aware Of This.

8) DO YOUR RESEARCH – Educate Yourself As Much As You Can About The Coronaviruses, So That You Have a Better Understanding As To What Is Truly Going On In The World


10) STAY INFORMED – Being Positive Doesn’t Make You Ignorant. Being Negative Doesn’t Make You Smart. Being Informed Makes You Prepared.

Anyways, I figure if I can follow the above steps and encourage others to follow them with me, then we all might just have a better chance at beating COVID-19 in the long term.

But I’m just one man. And one man can’t win a war by himself. But with the proper army/team in place, I believe my odds will be much better.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance