(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com

How Our Small Business Has Managed To Survive COVID-19 So Far…..

I feel as if I must apologize for my lack of online activity these past few weeks. Truth be told, my Grand Mal Seizure that I experienced back in March really threw me off my game for a bit. I’ve never been in and out of the hospital so much in my life since my seizure occurred and although the Doctors still don’t know what the cause was or what triggered it, I feel as if we’re getting closer to finding out.

Another reason/excuse for my lack of activity on our Social Media Platforms is due the fact that our business has been insanely busy these past few months. Actually, according to our Accountant, we just finished our busiest and most profitable year on record. To say that I was shocked to hear this news given the fact that we are living/working through a Global Pandemic would be a gross understatement to say the least.

So How The Hell Did The Year Of COVID-19 Become Our Best Year In Business?

Solid Clients

Well for one, we have an incredibly loyal clientele base. In fact the majority of our clients have continued to train with us throughout this entire Pandemic – both Online and In-Person. I really can’t stress enough how fortunate we are to have such amazing clients who have supported us throughout these uncertain times.

Strong Team

Before Covid-19, I was fairly certain that I had aligned myself with the strongest team of trainers that I had ever worked with. However after working alongside these people through all the chaos and destruction of COVID-19 so far, I have no doubt in my mind that I truly am surrounded by the strongest and most efficient team that I could and probably ever will work with.

A Willingness To Change, Adapt & Survive

As a Small Business Owner who has been in business for over 16 years, this has been without a doubt the most challenging and most stressful year in business for me. Like many other Business Owners, I’ve had to change and adapt my business practices to the constant revisions and restrictions that have been regularly passed down throughout the Fitness Industry through our Provincial Health Officers and learn how to recreate both myself and our company over the past 14 months.

I have to admit that these changes have not been easy to employ. We lost our Group Classes. We have to keep numbers on the floor to half the amount we were allowed to have Pre-COVID at all times throughout the day. Clients now have to wear masks when they exercise and workout in the gym. Access to changing rooms and showers are limited. The list goes on and on. However with every restriction that has come our way, I’ve kept an open mind and rather than think how can I fight this, I focused on how can I work with this new restriction and implement it positively into our Business Plan of action moving forward.

Are We Going To Make It Through The 3rd Wave?

I know there are rumours circling of another potential Lockdown here in British Columbia.

And yes, I’ve heard that there is a possibility that we too could be headed for a Stay-At-Home Order like the one they currently have in Ontario.

And look, I do understand that everyone is frustrated and tired of dealing with COVID-19.

However I also know that battle with this deadly virus is far from over.

And I have heard that we all need to continue to do our part in order to help keep each other safe.

And I do understand that more sacrifices and inconveniences will have to be made.

I’ve said this from the very beginning and I will continue to say this until this Pandemic is over. If I have to lose my business in order to help save lives, I will do so without hesitation. I will not argue with science. And I will not compromise my morals and my beliefs in order to turn a profit. I believe one of the reasons we have been able to survive this Pandemic as a Small Business is because I’m not worried if we lose our company. I’m young, I’m intelligent (relatively) and I have lots of energy left in me to start all over again if need be. Therefore regardless what happens, as long as I have my health, I will be fine. And honestly, I truly believe that this is the mindset that will continue to get me through these next few months/years of living through COVID-19.

“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle, or to be the mirror that reflects it.”
Edith Wharton