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Are You a Dreamer or Are You a Doer?

I don’t know about you, but I like getting shit done. Ever since I first started my business and became an Entrepreneur, I rarely if ever have allowed myself to procrastinate on a task I didn’t want to do, or delay a job that needed to get done. I think in order to be successful at anything we do in life, we need to have a constant fire under our asses that ensures we remain focused and on track. In my opinion, the people who are most successful in life are the ones that are willing to give 110% effort to everything they do. These people are not afraid to take risks, work incredibly long hours, and will even sacrifice meaningful relationships if necessary. Sure it’s important to have a back-up plan if things don’t always go as originally planned. But in my own experience, when you don’t have a Plan B, and your only option is Plan A, then you need to create a winning formula that produces positive results. And the only way to create this formula is by combining a sickening work ethic with a true passion for what you are trying to achieve. Otherwise all you’re doing is just gaslighting yourself and blowing a lot of hot air.

No Blame

I’ve never quite understood people who cast blame upon others, their surrounding environment, or even the current Global Crisis with COVID-19, for their own lack of success. Life is not easy. Becoming successful is ridiculously difficult to do. Whether your goal is to grow a business, retire young, transform your physique, raise a family and/or just improve your overall quality of life, achieving any level of success is always going to be a challenge. There will always be obstacles in your way.

I remember when I first started my Personal Training Business and the gym in which I was training my clients at shut down with no notice whatsoever. The owners of the gym were not paying their rent and as a result, a Bailiff came down to the facility and locked everyone out (including myself who was a Private Contractor at the time). I had a roster of about 65 clients and had nowhere to train them. I had to act fast. Luckily, I had made some connections in the fitness industry in my earlier years as a Trainer and was able to relocate my business to another Training Facility located a few blocks away. Had I not built this connection though, I would have not had a gym to train my clients at, as there were/are very few Private Training Facilities located in Downtown Vancouver that allow Independent Contractors into their gyms.

Funny enough, I never blamed the owners of the gym that shut down suddenly for not paying their rent and disrupting my business. In fact, looking back now, it was a true blessing in disguise. For this incident taught me to NEVER rely on someone else to help me achieve my goals. This was a hard lesson to learn, but one that I’ve never forgotten and will never forget. And still to this day, when things don’t go as planned, I always look for solutions rather then look for someone or something to blame.

No Shame

I will be the first to admit that it took me a very LONG TIME to develop thick skin. I remember when I first started working in the Fitness Industry as a Personal Trainer. Back then, it was considered normal for people to hire a Trainer for a few months and then go off and train on their own. However my mindset was to create a service that was so exceptional, that my clients would never choose to leave me. I worked hard at not just training clients, but more importantly providing them with the ultimate training experience. I wanted each and every person that I trained, to leave their workouts completely and utterly exhausted. I wanted my clients to feel as if they were getting their money’s worth. And most importantly, I wanted my clients to feel that their goals were just as important to me, as they were to them.

Fortunately for me, my plan worked. As the majority of my clients who started training with me 20 years ago, continue to work with me to this day. However there were a few people along the way that dropped out and/or chose to no longer enlist in my services. And to be honest, during those first few years of business, whenever a client would leave me, I took it incredibly personal. I felt that I failed these clients. I questioned my training techniques. I lost confidence in my skillset as an Instructor/Coach. And then one day, it occurred to me. I needed to get over myself.

I’m a good Trainer. I have a roster of over 200 clients to prove it. I cannot and will not allow myself to get down or upset because someone decides that I’m not the right fit for them. Nor can or will I get mad or resentful towards anyone who no longer wishes to work with me. I believe it’s important to not burn bridges. And it was important for me to learn that just because a relationship (whether it be in business or personal) does not work out, does not mean that either person in that relationship should think less of themselves.

Staying in the Game

I’ve made it no secret that my remaining years as a Trainer/Coach on the floor are coming to an end. I’ve yet to officially announce my retirement date from the Iron Jungle, however I do have a rough idea as to when that date will be. With that said, I absolutely love what I do for a living, and I can honestly say that I’m so grateful to have been able to do this job for such a long period of time. I’ve learned so much about business, fitness, and people in general. I’ve established many meaningful relationships with both clients and coworkers that will continue to last even once I step off the gym floor for good. The memories I have (both good and bad) will stay with me for a lifetime.

With all that said, my old ass isn’t getting any younger. Those daily 5:00am wake-up calls aren’t getting any easier. And spotting, demonstrating exercises over and over again, and lifting weights, is starting to take a toll on my body.

Ofcourse, I will always continue to lift weights myself and will continue to work with clients online by designing my Customized Training Programs and Nutritional Plans for them. I’m not the type of person that can just sit at home and do nothing all day. Nor am I the type of person that can just travel the world aimlessly without having a purpose. At the end of the day, I’m a Dreamer AND a Doer. And I think it’s important to continue to be both, regardless of how successful any of us become in life.

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance