What I’m about to say is going to be highly controversial.
It might even offend a few people.
But I have to be honest.
I work in an industry that is incredibly flaky.
I work in an industry that is riddled with Narcissists.
I work in an industry that is full of Sleazy Salespeople.
I work in an industry that is littered with Moronic Meatheads.
I work in an industry that is over saturated with Ass Selfies and Filtered Progress Photos.
I work in an industry that I once loved, but am slowly beginning to loathe………
I’m suppose to work in an industry that promotes Health and Fitness.
Instead I work in an industry that promotes “Ripped Abs” and “Booty Gains.”
I’m suppose to work in an industry that motivates people to better their lives through Healthy Nutrition and Regular Exercise.
Instead I work in an industry that motivates people to better their lives through Fad Diets and Quick Fixes.
I’m suppose to work in an industry that teaches people that hard work and discipline does pay off.
Instead, I work in an industry that teaches people that minimal effort and flexible dieting will provide half decent results.
I take my career seriously.
I promote longevity.
I use a combination of aesthetics and overall health in order to motivate my clients to train harder and eat cleaner.
I use REAL science instead of bro science to educate my clients on the facts, rather than become lost in the fiction.
And I don’t accept or even acknowledge ” half decent results”.
The Exceptions In My Industry
Now just like every industry, there are exceptions to the common perception that most if not all Personal Trainers/Coaches, Bodybuilders, Fitness Models, and even Social Media Workout Superstars are ignoramus simpletons who would climb a glass wall to see what’s on the the other side. I know plenty of people who work in this industry who I consider to be highly intelligent and incredibly successful. They understand the rules of the Fitness Game, and have figured out how to capitalize on their return – both physically and financially.
Just because someone lifts weights religiously and takes care of his or her physical appearance daily, does not necessarily mean that he or she is an airhead, meathead (or potato head for you Vegans). And just because someone may not be well spoken or may seem to be a bit slow-witted, does not mean that they cannot teach you something new.
We know we shouldn’t judge people based on their looks alone however unfortunately many of us still do. You wouldn’t body shame someone for being overweight (or at least I hope you wouldn’t) so why would you assume someone is stupid or unintelligent because they take care of their outer appearance?
Whether You’re Fat or Whether You’re Fit, Just Be a Good Person
I always try to assist the people in the gym who appear lost or have no sense as to what they are doing. And I always come to the defence of the ones that may not be in the best of physical shape, and are obviously new to the gym, yet are still being shamed and ridiculed online in posted photos and videos by cruel and insecure people on Social Media.
And there are plenty of people out there like me who train both our bodies and our minds, and would never think twice about putting another person down based on their appearance, weight, gender, race, age or any other insignificant attribute that should never define us as to who we are are as individual human beings.
So to those of you who call the dedicated obsessed, and to the dedicated people who call the not so dedicated, lazy and pathetic, it’s time to stop!
Live Your Own Life.
Be Kind and Respectful to EVERYONE.
And Go Lift Some Heavy Ass Weight! Or Don’t. Either Way, You Are Special.
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance