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Am I About To Get Cancelled? – Part 2

So how do you remain relevant and politically correct even if it means occasionally going against your very own beliefs and philosophies?

I mean, do we really need to start censoring ourselves even more than many of us already do in order not to get cancelled?

Fuck That! I would rather be cancelled than censor my content! If you take away someone’s right to offer their opinion or share their belief system, than you are taking away a human right! By no means would I ever shame, criticize, or ostracize someone who thought differently or shared different viewpoints than my own. As long as those viewpoints and beliefs are not hurting anyone, I see no reason to cancel out the person who is sharing them.

Conflict is Good

I’ve always been a firm believer that Conflict is in fact a good thing. I think too many people are afraid of conflict because they either don’t know how to take constructive feedback without becoming defensive, or they don’t know how to communicate their needs effectively without becoming offensive. It’s taken me years to learn how to become an effective communicator. I still make mistakes and I still have lots to learn. One of things that I’ve practiced over and over again when dealing with situations that involve conflict is learning how to be a great listener. I actually find being a great listener to be far more challenging than being a great speaker. A great listener not only has the responsibility of taking in and understanding what he or she is being told, but also has a responsibility to ensure that the speaker feels as if he or she is actually being listened to.

As a Small Business Owner who is not afraid to hold back and share his views and opinions, regardless of how controversial they might be, I find myself dealing with conflict on a fairly regular basis. And as much as I try my best not to antagonize people who don’t like what I have to say, I always remain civil, respectful and mature when engaging in conflict with them. I wish I could say that all conflicts end well, however that would be a lie. Some people engage in conflict purely in order to win. It’s quite apparent that they don’t care what the other person has to say as it shows in how they respond both physically with their body language, and emotionally with how they raise their voice, talk-over and/or constantly interrupt the speaker. These people are NOT great listeners, but at the same time, they too do not deserve to be cancelled.

I’m Offended That You’re Offended

It is of my opinion that as a society, we have become much more sensitive to certain content and events that have occurred over the past two decades. Now one could argue the fact that it’s important to address and take action against unjust, corrupt and unruly behaviour. And I could not agree more. But I’m not referring to sexism, racism, heterosexism, and gender binarism. Nor am I referring to war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. I’m simply referring to discarding/cancelling a person completely due to the fact that he or she is too controversial, too opionated and/or too politically incorrect.

I believe that COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the most crucial moments for mankind. 2020 was without a doubt, a historic year. As we continue to learn to live in our “New Norm”, we can’t ignore the fact that this Global Pandemic brought out a very ugly side in the human race. Friends and family members let their beliefs divide them. Relationships ended. Businesses shutdown. And the long term effects from this Pandemic, both physically and mentally are yet to be known.

With all the being said, a lot of good came out of COVID-19 as well. There were plenty of situations in which we saw people work together, support one another and help each other though difficult times. Leaders were born, the weak became strong, and evil was exposed. I personally learned more about myself during this Global Pandemic and the type of person I want to be moving forward. And that person is someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass if he gets cancelled for keeping an open dialogue and discussing controversial topics. I’ve always been honest and up front with our clients. And perhaps that’s one of the reasons, I’ve been able to last so long in this industry.

So am I about to get cancelled?

Maybe. And then again, maybe not.

I think as long as I continue to speak the truth, maintain my core values, listen to others and respect what they have to say, it will be irrelevant to me whether I get cancelled or not.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance