Lesson #4 – Stop Giving a Fuck What Everyone Thinks!
Now that we’ve covered how an Iron Virgin should approach his or her training, nutrition and supplementation to maximize results, I think we should move on to how an Iron Virgin should mentally prepare for a workout. Listen, I understand that the gym can be an intimidating place. Between people strutting around with perfect physiques, muscular meatheads grunting and groaning loudly, and shameless selfie takers constantly taking photos of their asses and abs to post on their IG Stories, the entire workout experience can be discouraging at times. And I would be lying if I said I’ve never come across a gym douchebag at least once or twice in all my years of training in the iron jungle. However to coexist peacefully with the Gym Bros and Broettes of the world, you’re going to need a few pointers. And here they are:
The Iron Virgin Cheat Sheet
Waiting FOREVER for a Piece of Equipment
Instead of asking “How Many Sets Do You Have Left?” I recommend asking “When You’re Finished, Do You Mind Placing My Towel On Top of The Equipment You’re Using So That I Can Reserve It After You?”
(Please Note – This only works if you bring a towel with you to the gym. So bring a towel with you to the gym!)
By rephrasing the standard “How Many Sets” question, you are letting the person know politely that you would like to use the piece of equipment they are on after they are finished. Most people (not all people) will take this as a cue to not necessarily rush, but at the same time not get caught up cruising the gram on their phone in between sets. I promise you that this tactic has a 95% success rate when it comes to getting on the piece of equipment you want to use in a timely fashion.
Dealing With a Gym Bully
Unfortunately, we live in a world that is full of narcissistic assholes. And the gym is no different. Every gym has at least one self-entitled member who either occupies a piece of equipment for far too long, breathes down your neck and glares at you because they want the piece of equipment you’re using, and/or doesn’t clean up after themselves or put their weights away. When dealing with people like this, I’ve always tried my best to look for a resolution. However when a resolution cannot be made or a compromise cannot be discussed, then as a last resort I call people on their bullshit.
Remember, you have just as much of a right to exercise in your gym as anyone else does. You also have a responsibility to be kind and courteous to others. Unfortunately, some people cannot be reasoned with. And in this case, it’s best to either just walk away from the situation and report the person to gym management or if you feel comfortable with handling the situation yourself, then find a way to deal with it as it occurs.
Learn To Focus On You and ONLY You When You’re in the Gym
By focusing on yourself, I’m not suggesting that you ignore others around you. You can still smile and acknowledge people you see at the gym. My recommendation is that you just stop caring what people might be thinking of you while you are in the gym. I can promise you that most if not all people are not paying any attention to how you are doing an exercise or how much weight you are lifting. I know this because I’ve been working in gyms for over two decades now. And most people who I work with are so focused on their own workouts, that they pay very little to no attention to what others around them are doing.
This is an incredibly valuable lesson to remember because I truly believe many people shy away from going to the gym for this exact reason. If you feel embarrassed because you are unsure how to perform certain exercises then my recommendation is to hire an experienced and knowledgeable Personal Trainer that can teach you how to train in the gym correctly. If you are ashamed of your physique because you’ve added a few pounds on over the past few months/years, then my suggestion is to go to the gym at a more quiet time (before 7am, or between 10am-4pm, or after 8pm).
Final Statement
Well. that about wraps up The New Year Game Plan for the Iron Virgin. Remember, if you are new to the gym or coming back from an extended break, don’t allow yourself to become discouraged or intimidated by the actions of others. Also, don’t think too far ahead. Take each workout one day at a time. Keep in mind that not every training session is going to be a good training session. Prepare for plateaus and setbacks as both will arise from time to time. Stay focused on your goals and committed to your diet, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Allow yourself a bit of flexibility and enjoy the training process.
“Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest.”
Oprah Winfrey
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance