(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


I’m fortunate to say that in my 35+ years of living on this planet, I’ve never had to ask to borrow money from anyone. I say I’m fortunate because I know that there are plenty of people out there who have not been giving the same career opportunities in life that I have been given, and therefore have had no choice but to borrow money from their friends and relatives when in need. I’m also fortunate because I’ve never had any serious health issues that have permitted me from working or medical expenses that have forced me to live beyond my means.

Living through a Global Pandemic, I can empathize with those people that are struggling financially right now. It makes me sad to think that so many people have lost their jobs during COVID-19. It makes me frightened to think how many businesses (both large and small) will be unable to reopen their doors once the vaccines have been distributed. And it makes me curious to think of how our economy is going to rebound after this Global Recession has ended.

With all that said, it also makes me disgusted to see just how many businesses are begging for free handouts from their clients both Online and through their Social Media Platforms these past few months.


I’m a Personal Trainer/Online Coach that offers a service that helps people become more active, healthy and fit. As a Business Owner, I charge a set amount for these services. If I am unable to perform these services, I do charge for them. To me, this seems fairly straightforward. I wouldn’t pay a Plumber to come to my place and not work on my pipes. I wouldn’t pay a Dentist to not work on my teeth. And I wouldn’t pay an RMT for a massage without the massage!

Yet, time and time again during these past 9 months, I’ve seen numerous Business Owners asking/begging/pleading for their clients for “donations” to help save their businesses from closing. Look, I get it. As a Small Business Owner myself, this has been an unbelievably stressful year both financially and mentally. However I would never feel comfortable or ethical asking our clients to pay for a service in which they were not receiving or even paying the same price for a service that has been diluted directly because of the impacts of COVID-19. And the reality is, that these Business Owners should feel the exact same way as I do.

Having Some Integrity

I would be lying if I said that I can guarantee that our business will still be here come 2021. And in all honestly, it saddens me to say that. Even though as a Personal Training Company, we continue to hit record highs with each passing month (which truly astonishes me given the current climate in which we are living in) I cannot predict what the future holds. However rather than sitting around begging our clients for money for unperformed services, we have been working hard to continue to offer a premium service at a cost effective rate. I’ve always believed in being honest and transparent with our clients as well, which is why I’ve never shied-away from speaking the truth, even when occasionally it doesn’t want to be heard.


As a reluctantly self confessed Amazon User/Abuser, I’m delighted to say that this year I will NOT be purchasing any of my gifts from this Goliath of a Company. I personally don’t have anything against Amazon, I’m just choosing to spend my money this year supporting the Local Small Businesses around me. I’m not giving any handouts to these companies, as they are providing me with either a service or product in which I or my friends/family members will be able to use and enjoy. And even though I recommend to all of you to do the same and support your own Local Small Businesses, I understand the convenience and competitive rates that larger companies such as Amazon can offer and tempt you with.

And this is why, it’s so important now more than ever for all of us Small Business Owners to provide our clients and potential clients with the value and customized approach that most of these larger companies will never be able to offer. Rather than tell your clients why they should buy from you, SHOW them why they should buy from you.

Stop begging for money and starting looking for new ways in which to bring in money. If there is anything that COVID-19 has taught me it’s that life truly is short but that it’s never too late to take the time needed in order to reinvent yourself and in this case, your business.

And now just might be the perfect time for us all to do some reinventing of our own……

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Peformance