Like most of you, I’m getting quite tired, frustrated and increasingly concerned with COVID-19. As I mentioned in last week’s Blog, the Corona Viruses are causing panic, fear and uncertainty across the globe. Thousands of people are dying. Hundreds of thousands of people have and continue to become infected. And millions of people have lost their jobs. I believe it would be an understatement to suggest that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on us all.
However as ridiculous as this may sound, COVID-19 has also brought out an extremely positive side in myself personally as well. It’s made me realize that there is more to life than just work, play, and making money. It’s made be realize not to take the little things for granted, such as being able to exercise and go to the grocery stores whenever I choose to do so. And it’s made me realize how important it truly is to have a strong support system of family and friends during times like these.
But why the hell did it take an earth shattering epidemic for me to wake up and realize what truly matters in life?
Living a Life of Uncertainty
Do you know that saying – “Tomorrow is Never Promised”?
Ofcourse you do. We’ve all heard it at least once or twice throughout our lifetimes. However unless you have actually lived through a life threatening illness, or in a war ridden country, then I highly doubt that you really ever gave this saying a second thought. I know that I personally have not. I’ve always believed that my life will go in the direction that I direct it to go. Sure, I’ve lived and worked through a recession. Yes, I’ve lost a job or two in my day. And ofcourse, I’ve had financial losses and hardships that I was not prepared for. However I’ve always managed to work around these obstacles and have come out for the better.
But like many of you, I’ve never faced an obstacle like COVID-19. I wasn’t prepared for a deadly virus to attack and take out a percentage of the earth’s population. I wasn’t equipped for my business to shut down. I wasn’t ready for life to stop and be put on hold for the unforeseeable future.
But with that said, I am where I am. And right now, I’m still alive. I’m still healthy. I still have a roof over my head. And most importantly, right now, I’m ready to fight!
Is Communication The Key To Bettering Mental Health?
This past week I started a YouTube Channel. As of today, Friday, March 27th, I have uploaded 3 x 30 Minute Videos to our Channel. The reason I originally wanted to create a YouTube Channel for our company was to remain relevant with our current clientele base. As our gym is currently closed due to COVID-19, many of our clients are unable to train with us. This is not only a significant loss to our company, but it’s probably even a greater loss to many of the people in which we work with. A large percentage of our clients that work with us, don’t just do it for their physical health, but also for their mental health. And the day that most gyms were asked to close their doors and practice safe social distancing, had an immediate negative impact on most peoples’ physical and mental wellbeing.
With all that said, after 3 videos in and hopefully many more to come, I have to admit that these talks with friends, family members and clients, have been extremely therapeutic for me. I forgot how much I enjoyed just talking with people. Not texting, Not tweeting, Not DMing, but just good old fashion TALKING with people.
The Power of Positivity
Look, I’m not delusional. I’m not ignorant. I’m not living in a fantasy land where I think the world is going to return back to normal overnight. However I am an optimist. I do believe that it’s incredibly important to remain positive, calm and strategic during times like the ones THAT we are currently living in. I also think that it’s important to remain considerate and sympathetic to others around us. Walking around feeling sorry for myself or constantly being negative is not going to get me, my family or my business anywhere. Now more than ever is a time in which I believe true leaders are born. Yes, it’s true that the strong will survive, but that does not mean that the weaker and more vulnerable cannot survive too.
If we all work with one another and remember that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, I believe that humanity will prevail. But if we isolate ourselves from one another (I’m speaking rhetorically here, as we should all continue to be practicing social distancing for the time being), and allow greed and selfishness to consume us, than I worry that even though we might survive this particular battle, the next war itself will eventually be lost.
“If you want to survive in this world, you need to stop asking why people work together, and just start working together.”
Dan Wells
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance