If you’ve ever opened up a fitness magazine or read an online article or blog written by a health professional then I’m sure you’ve heard the standard “rules” for working out.
Rule 1: Reps – If you want to add size it’s recommended that you keep your reps between 6-8. If you are training for strength and power only, then you should keep your reps between 1-3. And if you are training for “tone” (Ugh, I really hate that word!) then you should keep your reps between 12-15.
Rule 2: Diet – If you want to get big then you must eat big. If you want to get “shredded” well then you need to avoid carbs at all costs and do copious amounts of cardio. And if you want to just “tone” then you should do a cleanse.
Rule 3: Cardio – Do too much and you will lose muscle. Do too little and you will get fat. Do it on the Step Mill or Stairmaster and you will get “toned”.
Okay, I’m just going to come out and say it – Rules are meant to be broken and that’s what I’m about to do! Oh and FYI if you’re looking to get “toned” then this is definitely not the article for you. Try googling CrossFit or Bar Method, perhaps you will have better luck.
So with out further ado I bring to you my own set of “rules” to help you transform your physique and improve your overall health & fitness:
Rule 1: Forget the Damn Rules!
As I mentioned above, rules are meant to be broken. So start breaking some! I can tell you first hand from someone who has followed just about every diet plan, tried different workout methods and has done endless hours of cardio to absolutely no cardio that the rules just don’t work. By all means if you want to try something that you’ve found online such as a new diet plan or workout routine then go for it. But don’t for one second ever believe that there is only one correct way of doing something when it comes to weight loss and muscle building. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years and have implemented many different training and nutritional strategies to help them surpass their own personal plateaus and continue to achieve results. What works for one person will not necessarily work for the next. It’s important to find a training formula that works specifically for you and your body type. Or at the very least hire a fitness professional who you like and you trust who will help you find that formula through a safe and effective trial and error process.
Rule 2: Restrictive Reps
I’m so tired of reading the constant dribble and watching trainers count their clients’ reps until they entered their “desired rep range zone” Can someone please tell me what’s so magical about the number 12 or 15??? I only ask because it seems like everyone who is anyone is always trying to hit a certain number of reps for each set. For example, why stop on rep number 10 if you can push out another rep and get 11? And what happens if you are aiming for 15 reps but only get 13? Will you suddenly become Mr or Mrs Universe overnight because you didn’t stay within your rep range?
Muhammed Ali had a famous quote in the 70’s when he was asked how many situps he does during a set. His response –
” I don’t count my situps, I only start counting when it starts hurting,
when I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, cause that’s when it really counts.”
Enough said….
Rule 3: Cardio Catastrophe
I’m going to let you in on a little secret – I do cardio everyday. That’s right I said it – EVERYDAY. However my reason for doing cardio is much different then one might think. I don’t do it for a ripped six pack and I don’t do it so that I can look good on the beach. I actually do it for my heart and so that I can perform better during my own resistance training workouts. As a personal trainer/competitive bodybuilder I find that by incorporating 20 minutes of light cardio into my training routine at the end of each workout helps me recover faster in between sets and keeps my resting heart rate low which means my heart has to do less work all day long which ultimately means I’m keeping my body happy and healthy.
Now if I’m prepping for a show and need to get a little leaner then I might throw in an extra 15-20 minutes during my session. I’ve personally never found that cardio has stopped me from gaining muscle nor has it stopped me from improving my strength. With that said, I do believe that too much cardio can have devastating effects to both a person’s body and mind. I’ve covered the topic of the side effects of doing too much cardio before in an earlier blog so I’ll just say this: No matter what your training goal is it’s important to remember that whatever you do to reach that goal is nothing too extreme. Going to extreme levels to achieve anything, especially when it comes to your body is simply not worth it and will not pay off in the long term when it comes to your fitness and overall health.
Rule 4: Shitting on the Supplement Industry
Did you know that the supplement industry is a multi billion dollar industry? Not only that but it’s a multi billion dollar industry built mostly out of liars, scammers, crooks and pixie dust. Now without mentioning the names of any “reputable” supplement companies I’m going to tell you a few things that I’ve learned over the years about this extremely superficial industry. Without a doubt, 90% of over-the counter supplements that I have tried have done absolutely nothing for me. Now I know there are people out there that swear by certain brands that they have taken over the years and perhaps for them they work. I can only speak on my only experience and with that if I can offer any advice when it comes to supplements your better off spending your money on whole foods. And if you happen to have a little left over cash afterwards then a highly concentrated whey isolate protein powder is always nice to have on hand. But that’s it. Honestly, besides from the Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Omega-3’s that are up in my cabinet right now, the only supplement I take is protein powder! But hey, that’s just me. How you spend your money is up to you. But just remember, like anything you put into your body make sure that you completely understand what it is you are taking. Just because something is being sold legally at a store does not necessarily make it safe.
Don’t believe me? Check out the FDA’s website to find out as to just how many chemicals and bi-products are allowed in certain supplements. And those are just the products that are approved by the FDA! What about the ones that are not and that have not yet been tested yet are still out on the market? The supplement industry is called a cowboy industry for many reasons. Very few regulations is just one of them.
So there it is. My rules for transforming your physique for the better. Break the rules, don’t get caught up on the numbers, don’t be afraid of cardio but don’t obsess over it either and don’t rely on supplements to help you improve and strengthen your body.
Yes, there is a science to this whole fitness thing but it’s not nearly as complicated as some of the so-called “Health Experts” would have you believe. Train Hard, Eat Smart and LISTEN to Your Body. Might sound simple but it’s the best and only advice that I will ever listen to as I’m not in this fitness game for a few weeks, I’m in it for life.
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove