Classes? Skipped Them.
Bomb Threats? Made Them.
Fire Alarms? Pulled Them.
Lockers? Destroyed Them.
Asshole? Was One.
Bully? Had One.
Help? No One.
Growing up as a child I was picked on and bullied on a daily basis. I was a chubby kid with low self esteem and who wore hand me down clothes. I was an easy target for bullies as I didn’t have many friends and rarely if ever put up much of a fight if any when I was provoked. The more that I was teased and harassed, the more timid and anxious I became. As I approached my teenage years I had lost all the “baby fat” that I had held onto and had even moved provinces, but the bullying did not stop. I was now being picked on for being too skinny and as a result, appeared weak to my enemies. Not to mention, being labeled as the “new kid in town” only added fuel to the fire that was beginning to erupt.
I didn’t understand. I had lost the weight, moved across the country, yet the bullying continued. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse. My anxiety that I had developed as a child had now turned into depression. I was scared to go to school. Terrified to walk home alone. Ashamed that I didn’t have the courage to fight back. And embarrassed to ask anyone for help.
And then I found the gym…….
Building Muscle & Gaining Confidence
I truly believe that if it were not for the gym, I would be a completely different person than I am today. I’ve spoken in the past about how before I had set foot in a weight room, I was headed down a fairly self loathing and destructive path. I’ve also given 100% credit for my sickening work ethic and success in business to the discipline, dedication, focus and consistency that I learned through Bodybuilding. And if I had never been bit by the iron bug 20+ years ago, I would probably be working at a job that I hate and counting down the hours until the weekend.
However I never really shared how lifting weights regularly helped me build confidence, gain back my self esteem, and conquer my fears in order to face my bullies head on. The gym helped turn me into the person I had always wanted to become. And this person was someone that was not afraid to fight back. This person was not ashamed of his weaknesses. This person was not embarrassed to ask for help if and when needed. And best of all, this person no longer suffered from anxiety and depression.
The Gym is Not a Valuable Option For Everyone Who is Getting Bullied
Now my story is definitely not unique. Nor is it special. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been able to reinvent themselves in a positive manner through following a healthy diet and regular exercise. However not everyone is going to fall in love with the gym. And not everyone has the finances or time to commit to joining a gym or even better, working with a Coach/Trainer. Therefore the gym might not be a valuable option for everyone out there that is currently being bullied. I can only share my story and hope that it motivates a few people to take control of their own lives though.
Bullying is NOT okay. Whether it’s online, at school, in the office, or on the street, we as a society should NOT allow it to occur. I believe it’s important for all of us to be able to recognize when someone or a particular group is being bullied, and be assertive enough to come to their defence.
And if you yourself are in a situation where you are being bullied just remember that you are not alone. There are people out there like myself that understand what you are going through. And we want to help you. But remember, sometimes the only way we can help you is if you ask us because some bullying situations (especially the ones done online or behind closed doors) are difficult to see.
Anti-Bully Day / National Pink Shirt Day
Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 23rd is Anti-Bully Day also known as National Pink Shirt Day. By wearing a Pink Shirt on this day you are showing your support to stand up to bullying. The Pink Shirt Campaign is incredibly important as it speaks to our diversity and need for acceptance and inclusion of everyone.
If you live in British Columbia and would like to help “lift each other up” and help raise valuable funds for inclusive, anti-bullying programs across the Province, than don’t forget to purchase your Pink Shirt this week at one of the many local vendors across the Province.
And if you don’t live in BC, you can order directly online by visiting the website below. Proceeds support Indigenous Community Initiatives and support Anti-Bullying Organizations across Canada:
“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.”
Benjamin Disraeli
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance