I want to be rich, but I don’t want to work.
I want to lose fat, but I don’t want to diet.
I want to build muscle, but I don’t want to train.
I want to be healthy, but I don’t want to exercise.
I want to be in a relationship, but I don’t want to give up my freedom.
I want to have kids, but I don’t want to make sacrifices.
I want to live a better life, but I don’t want to make any changes.
Wouldn’t life just be so much easier, if we all stopped making excuses and were just honest with ourselves?
As a Personal Trainer, I’ve heard just about every single excuse as to why someone “cannot” do something. And rarely if ever, has the excuse been a valid one. In my opinion, if a person really wants to accomplish something, then he or she will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.
It Just Isn’t Fair
As we get older, we learn more and more that life is not always fair. Some people are born with better genetics, some people are born into wealthier families, and some people are born in countries where they have rights and the freedom to live their lives as they wish. People who are not born with these things, may call the people who are “lucky”. And maybe they are.
However if you’re one of those “unlucky” people who are born into poverty or have struggled with your health, or have at one point in your life, had to deal with discrimination, racism, sexism, or perhaps all three, then maybe you’re not actually as unlucky as you might think that you are.
I’ve always believed that no one is born with a strong work ethic or a will power to succeed and conquer. I believe that these are traits that we develop when we are younger based on the environment and the circumstances that we grow up in, as well as the people who help raise and guide us along the way. Chances are that if you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, then you’ve had to work for everything you’ve got. This in turn may have taught you the value of money, and how to budget accordingly in order to live a life that is enjoyable and yet at the same time, debt free. If you were born with a compromised immune system, then you’ll know that any day that is a pain-free day, or any time that you are able to sleep straight through the night without any disruptions, is a gift. In turn, you’ve most likely learned to appreciate your health more than most people and therefore don’t take it for granted.
It can be easy to make excuses as to why we can’t do something, and it can be to difficult to find reasons as to why we can. However rather than look for someone or something to blame as to why we can’t achieve our goals, I think it’s more important to find a solution that allows us to at least try.
Finding a Solution
Whenever I have a client who is frustrated with their lack of discipline with their diet or lack of consistency with their training, I ask them why it’s important to them to be successful with both. The usual response is obvious, however by defining our goals out loud and repeating them over and over again (sometimes on a daily basis), reminds us as to why we got started in the first place, and why our goals are so important to us.
Now I can of course provide tips and strategies to my clients to help them remain motivated with their training and accountable with their diet, however I cannot force them to do either. They have to be the ones that are willing to change. They are the ones that have to be willing to turn bad habits into good ones. They are the ones that have to want to achieve their own goals, more then anything else. And they are the ones that have to want to become successful.
Becoming Successful
How someone measures their own level of success can be different to each individual. Some people view being independently wealthy as being successful. While others may view growing a family to love and protect as being successful. How ever you view success, it’s important that you create a clear pathway in your mind as to how you are going to become successful. Becoming successful does not happen overnight for most people. It takes time, effort, discipline, and a strong work ethic in order to achieve success. And when it comes to building muscle, losing body fat, and becoming overall more healthy and fit, it takes all of these attributes and more.
Have a Plan
If you truly want to transform your physique and improve your overall quality of life, then you need to make the necessary changes in order to start the process today. Even the smallest of changes, such as walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or adding almond milk into your morning coffee instead of cream, can add up over time to drastic changes.
I always tell my clients to think big and act small. This means I recommend setting both long term and short term goals, while making small changes and adjustments as we continue to move forward to achieving their goals. Make a plan, set it in motion, and get going. There truly is no time like the present, and the longer you wait or put off accomplishing your goals, the longer you will live feeling like a failure. And remember, DON’T EVER be afraid to fail. Failure is an extremely valuable tool, as it only teaches us to work harder and learn through our mistakes so that we can become better.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
Mark Twain
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance