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Is Your Diet Ruining Your Physique? Part 2

These days it seems that when it comes to dieting, everyone seems to be overly concerned with counting macronutrients and calories. Sure, calories are important. And yes, knowing your macronutrient totals for the day can play a significant role when it comes to building muscle and losing fat. HOWEVER, in my opinion there is one particular component that is constantly overlooked when it comes to diet and nutrition. And this component is a crucial part of the equation if you are serious about not only achieving results, but sustaining those results. And that crucial component is – Knowing the value of your micronutrients.

Why Micronutrients Matter

I’ve spoken about the importance of consuming high quality micronutrients in length in the past. Therefore rather then repeat myself again, I’ll just touch on this subject briefly. Essentially micronutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients your body requires. They include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are necessary for energy production, immune function, blood clotting and other functions. Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth, bone health, fluid balance and several other processes.

Why is this important to know?

Because NOT all calories are equal and NEITHER are all macronutrients. A calorie is NOT just a calorie and a carb is NOT just a carb. If all you’re doing is counting the quantity of the foods you are consuming and not the quality, then you will not only hit a plateau with your training and weight loss/weight gain goals, but you risk damaging your health in the long term as well.

Super Foods Vs Shitty Foods

Every single one of my clients knows my distaste for fad diets. Even though my hatred runs deep for these fictitious fads, there is no diet I dislike more then the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) Diet. Look, the concept of flexible dieting is great. And I understand that the average person does not want to consume chicken breasts and broccoli six times a day. However why can’t clean eating equate to flexible dieting? And why does flexible dieting have to equate to sugary snacks and trans fats that are considered okay to consume because they fit our daily macronutrient allowance?

I personally like to eat clean whole foods, 90% of the time. My brain operates better and my body performs more efficiently throughout the day when the foods that I’m consuming are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. I don’t concern myself with the minor details of making sure my macronutrients are exactly on point, nor do I even bother to count calories. As long as the foods that I’m feeding my body are complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats, then I’m not worried if I’ve surpassed or have not reached my so-called “Daily Allowance” for the day.

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Now I’m not telling you that consuming copious amount of oatmeal, natural peanut butter and brown rice won’t make you fat, because quite simply, it will. However as most of us know, too much of anything is not good for us. And if you are consuming these foods on a regular basis, then chances are you’re not going to overeat or overindulge on them because hopefully you are practicing proper portion control. And if you’re not, then it’s time to start!

It’s not OCD to weigh out and portion your meals. In fact, on the contrary, I think that this is actually a healthy habit to develop and incorporate when preparing your meals for the week ahead. Practicing proper portion control will ensure that you know exactly how much food you are consuming throughout the day and for each meal. This makes it easy to know when and where to remove or add in food when you have hit a plateau with your physique and your training. All of my clients who work with me on their Customized Nutritional Plans portion out their meals in accordance to the plan that I have them on. If they didn’t, then how would I know which revisions to make to their plan when their metabolism slows down or their energy levels begin to plummet? I wouldn’t. I would simply be guessing as to what to add and what to subtract from their diets and see if this corrects the issue. The problem with this though, is that I don’t like to guess when it comes to my clients’ health and training goals. I like to know what to do and how to fix it right away.

So can consuming too much or too little whole, clean food sources hinder your results? Ofcourse it can! However if you’re practicing proper portion control and the majority of the foods that you are consuming are wholesome and nutritious, then this a concern that you should never really have to have.

Closing Statement

If you find yourself wondering if it’s normal to crash and feel tired in the mid afternoon, I’ll answer it for you – NO IT IS NOT.

If you find yourself looking for assurance that it’s okay to eat junk food because it’s fits your daily macronutrient allowance, let me assure you – NO IT IS NOT.

And if you find yourself trying to justify your lack of results with your physique and your health due to becoming older, work becoming busier and life becoming more stressful, let me ask you – How Badly Do You Want To Change?

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance