(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com

Kickin’ & Keeping It Old School

As a small business owner, my goal has always been to remain profitable while providing a valuable service and experience that exceeds the expectations of our clientele base. Yes, ofcourse I want our company to be successful and to grow each year. However as our company continues to expand, I have always made sure that it is a win-win for both myself, our team and our consumers. I’ve never believed in selling a product or promoting a service that I do not believe in. The people who work with me, trust me to help them. This is an honour for me, and one that I take very seriously.

Unfortunately I cannot say the same for many of my counterparts with whom I share this fitness industry with. With the Summer Season approaching quickly, I keep seeing more and more of these fictitious fads being promoted online which promise “quick fixes” of weight loss and muscle gain. Now for the average Iron Virgin or unsuspecting potential client who has no clue about diet, training and supplementation, many of these pumped up promotions seem like the solution to their physique problems. So they hand over their hard earned cash for the generic dribble online diet plan or copy-and-paste training program. They register themselves for a “Boot Camp” that caters to the masses with a trainer who won’t even remember their name, never mind their health history, physical limitations and training goals. And they become discouraged and quit when they don’t see the results they want, or even worse, become injured from inadequate program design.

Hard Workers Need Only Apply

Yes, I’m old and yes I have an old school train of thought when it comes to diet, training and supplementation. I’ve always believed that if you want to achieve something then you need to WORK HARD for it. And in my experience, when it comes to losing fat and building muscle, short cuts taken, only equate to short term results.

On the other hand, if you want to achieve sustainable and long term results with your health and your physique, then in my opinion, you should do it the RIGHT way. And no, the right way is not always the fastest way. However it’s a proven formula that works time and time again. And if you have the patience, commitment and dedication needed, then you will achieve your ultimate goal.

Building Muscle 101

For those of you that may not know or may have forgot what it takes to build solid lean muscle, let me remind you of a few pointers that I use with our clients:

1) Progressive Overload 

Progressive overload is a fundamental part of building muscle and a strategy that I implement with all of our clients’ programs when they are training in the gym. Essentially progressive overloading means that you gradually increase the weight that you’re using, over the volume of training. This is non negotiable during our clients’ sessions. If you’re still maxing out with the same weights that you were maxing out with a year ago, then you are simply not progressing.

2) Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is pivotal to building quality lean muscle. Therefore using specific rep tempos is a smart way to induce more hypertrophy from every working set that you do. I always remind our clients to practice a 1-2 tempo speed on both positive and negative contractions for the majority of the exercises that they do in the gym. Controlled reps will lead to serious results. Ballistic reps will lead to serious injuries.

3) Decreased Rest Periods

Ask any of our clients how much rest they get during one of their workouts with us and I can guarantee you that they will all tell you the exact same thing – “Little to None”.  Setting shorter rest periods in between your sets is crucial because shorter rest periods set the tempo and build your performance while you exercise and workout. If you’re lifting heavy weight but are resting/texting for 5 minutes in between sets, you might become stronger, however you will most likely not build a more aesthetically pleasing physique. Take a Powerlifter for example. A Powerlifter’s main objective is to lift the most amount of weight for 1-6 reps. To do this requires alot of energy but it also requires alot of rest in between sets. This type of training concept works for a Powerlifter, however most Powerlifters are not training to look good and be healthy. So if you are training for either or both of these reasons, then why they hell would you lift like a Powerlifter and rest for longer periods in between your sets? Keep your rest periods short to minimal at best. 40 seconds to 1 minute in between sets is usually what I recommend when following a basic straight set program in the gym.

So when do we let our own clients take an extended rest period you ask? After their workout is finished ofcourse!

4) Repetition Range Matters!

It’s important to not get caught up in chasing the heaviest weight for 1, 2, 3 or 4 reps. The most hypertrophic ranges are 8-12, and sometimes even 15-20, depending on what your goal is. Remember, if you want to build quality, solid lean muscle, then sarcoplasmic swelling within the muscles should be your ultimate goal. Low rep ranges have been proven time and time again to NOT be the best way to accomplish this.

Volume Training – The Key To Success

I’m a firm believer in implementing volume training both into our clients’ workout routines as well as my own. I’ve always thought volume training to be an excellent training style to use in the gym for achieving progressive overload, avoiding plateaus, triggering higher levels of central nervous system recruitment, stimulating anabolic hormone production and protecting us against injuries due to the trauma that can occur from repetition versus blunt force.

Taking The Customized Approach To Your Results

Even though many of you reading this week’s blog may not be clients of mine, I still would like to continue to provide you with information which will hopefully help you avoid all the bullshit out there online these days. Just remember that many programs today are created to sell and don’t necessarily use the best information. When a client decides to work with me online or in person, they work with me. Everything from their diet plan to their training program is created by me. This is something that you can always rely on as well as the results that it delivers!

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance