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Money & Muscles – Can You Make One Without Having To Sacrifice The Other?

I have to be honest – I love money and I love muscles. But more importantly, I love the process of making money and the process of making muscles. I’ve actually always enjoyed the challenge of making both money and muscles. And for that reason, I would never accept a handout from a friend or family member, and could never consider taking shortcuts with long term anabolic steroid usage to help grow my physique.

For me, there is nothing more rewarding and gratifying then achieving a goal that I have accomplished on my own. It’s like I always tell my clients – “I can only provide you with the blueprint to build your physique. You’re the ones that have to put in the actual work and effort in order to achieve the results.” And this is why I never have and never will take credit for any of our clients achievements.

As for a person’s overall net worth? Personally, I could care less as to how much or how little money someone has or doesn’t have. It doesn’t change my perception of the person or the value in which I place on he or she as a human being.

With that said, I respect people who are kind, empathetic towards others, ambitious, hardworking, and have a desire to become successful in life. I find myself drawn more towards these type of people as they motivate me to be and do better each and everyday. People who constantly bitch and complain are draining. I have no time or desire to surround myself amongst these types of people, or put up with their negative energy.

The Moneyless Meathead

When I first got introduced to weightlifting 2+ decades ago, I was plummeted into a hardcore training environment. I was surrounded by competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders who taught me how to lift correctly, and eat efficiently for my body type. I was amazed by how quickly I was able to transform my physique in such a short period of time. I looked up to these men and began to idolized them due to their incredible strength, extensive training knowledge, and God like physiques. At 15 years old, I wanted to be just like them. These guys lived the bodybuilding lifestyle. Most of them would train twice a day and would hang out down at the beach in between workouts. I thought this was the lifestyle I wanted to live. They had everything I wanted: Hot Bodies, Hot Women, and Hot Cars. But it wasn’t until I was about a year into training that I realized these Gods that I had idolized for the past 12 months didn’t have one very important thing – MONEY!!!!!

Yes, their bodies were hot. But mostly developed through anabolic steroid usage. Yes, the women were hot. But they never seemed to stick around longer than a few weeks. And Yes, the cars were definitely hot. But they were all on leases and I would constantly hear my fellow meatheads complain about how they could barely afford their monthly payments!

These bodybuilders were bums! At 30+ years old, most of them either still lived at home with their parents, or had 2-3 roommates crammed into a one bedroom apartment. All of a sudden this lifestyle no longer seemed attractive to me. I wanted more out of life than a tub of protein powder and a $5.00 trophy. I wanted to travel, build a business, live mortgage-free, and have nice things. And I knew lifting weights all day WAS NOT going to help me achieve any of this. So I made a decision to ditch my twice a day workouts and focus that extra time on building a business. Little did I know at that time that bodybuilding would eventually lead to the success of that very same business.

The Fat Cat

As a kid growing up, I always imagined rich people as greedy, rude, privileged, and morbidly obese. I don’t quite know as to why I thought this about people who were wealthy but I did. Perhaps it was because of what I saw on TV at the time, or may have heard through my friends and family members about people who had money. Regardless, looking back now, it was a ridiculous perception and a poor judgement to make about a group of people of whom I knew nothing about.

Today, as someone who knows and works with plenty of wealthy people, I can tell you that the ones that work with us both online and on the gym floor, are kind, generous, hard workers and are physically fit. In fact, many of our wealthy clients take their health even more seriously then they do with their own careers and professions. They understand the importance of making money, but they also understand that all that money won’t do them any good, if they are not healthy enough to enjoy it.

Oddly enough, it wasn’t until I began working with these types of people that I realized that it was in fact possible to build a successful business and obtain a healthy body at the same time, without having to sacrifice one in order to achieve the other. In fact, the more fit I became, the more successful my business became as well. We all know that exercising releases endorphins. However for me the gym is my anchor, and working out with weights is my therapy. Nothing clears my mind more than a hardcore training session. Nothing renergizes me more than an intense cardiovascular workout. And nothing motivates me more to remain on top of my game, than living the lifestyle I choose and desire to live.

So Can You Make Money & Muscles At The Same Time?

Ofcourse you can! There are 24 hours in a day. Instead of sleeping 8 hours, sleep 6 hours. As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said – “For those of you that say they need 8 hours of sleep, I suggest you try sleeping faster!”

If you do sleep 6 hours each day, this gives you 18 hours to get shit done! Even if you have kids, a demanding job and a hectic lifestyle, a 1 hour workout only makes up 4% of your day!

And if you’re a Gym Rat who spends the majority of your waking hours lifting weights and prepping your meals, yet complain about your finances, then it’s time to make a change and prioritize your time better! I’ve been lifting weights for over twenty years now. I don’t have an overly developed physique however my body fat levels are low, my testosterone levels are high, and according to my latest blood work, I am incredibly healthy. And I am able to maintain all of this while running a business that demands a great deal of my time, energy and focus each and every day.

At the end of the day, how you choose to live your life is ultimately up to you to decide. But for myself  personally, being broke and/or unhealthy due to choices that I make is not something that I personally could ever live with…….

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth. And then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
A.J. Reb Materi

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance