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Despite all the stress, chaos and turmoil going on in the world right now, I actually had something to look forward to this week. And that was writing my 250th Blog.

For the most part, writing as always come easy to me. Over the years I’ve used my words as weapons to combat fake trainers, fad diets, gym selfies, and Instagram stars. And I’ve used my blogs to educate, inspire and motivate others to hopefully take their own health and fitness goals seriously.

Now although to some, my weekly blogs might read as just incoherent dribble and verbal diarrhea being released by a grumpy old Trainer, who’s still stuck in an analog world. However to me they are a reflection of the time, effort and work that I’ve put in each and every week to remain consistent with something that is important to me to complete and release to our clients and followers, regardless of what’s going on in the world and within my own life. However if I were to be completely honest, I would have to admit, that my blogs are written for myself the writer, just as much as they are written for you the reader. Yes, as I mentioned, writing has always come easy to me. But it’s also always been very therapeutic for me as well.

The Iron Man

I’ve never been one to express my feelings well. I’ve actually been accused at times of being emotionally detached and closed off. And I have to admit that this is without a doubt, undeniably true. I’ve always believed that showing any form of emotion risks exposing weakness. And even though I know how ridiculous that sounds, it’s something that has been engraved in me from a young age.

Looking back at some of my blogs this week though, it occurred to me that there have been plenty of times in which my own writings were overflown with emotion.

One of my very first blogs I ever wrote actually had to do with why I became a Personal Trainer. And unlike most Trainers, my reasons had absolutely nothing to do with my love for fitness. It was actually a choice I made to keep me from heading down a very dark and dangerous path that I was quickly falling into.

A few years back I wrote a blog that was dedicated to my best friend Ewan Mckay who passed away from cancer at the young age of 25. This particular blog had absolutely nothing to do with diet, training and/or supplementation, and yet to this day, continues to remain one of my favourites.

And then there was one of the hardest blogs I ever had to write in which I dedicated to my long term client/friend Graham Mitchell who passed away right in front of my eyes while we were on the gym floor together. I remember writing this particular blog the very next day after Graham had passed and still being in a state of complete and utter shock. In my opinion though, this blog was one of the very best blogs I ever wrote.

The raw emotions that I had displayed in each of these blogs as well as a few others, is what made them truly memorable and important to me. I didn’t care about how many likes or views they received. I didn’t care if there were grammatical errors or typos. All I cared about was transforming my thoughts and feelings into words, so that I could express myself the only way I knew how – through my writing.


Earlier this week, I had a publishing company reach out to me and ask if I would be interested in writing a short story to be published in a forthcoming compilation that they planned on releasing later on this year. And although I was flattered (and skeptical at first as to whether or not this was in fact legit – to my surprise it actually was!) I respectively declined their generous invitation.

The reality is I’m not writer. And the truth is I’m not even a blogger. I’m just a guy that has trouble expressing his feelings publicly, so I cowardly hide behinds my words as protection to let those feelings out.

And although my 250th blog might not be my best blog to date, it will definitely go down as one of my most memorable ones for myself personally. As this was the blog that made me realize I have much more to work on then just my health, fitness and business. This was the blog that made me realize that perhaps it’s time I start working on myself on a more deeper level.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t take me another 250 blogs to figure out how exactly to do that though……

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance