(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


Wow…….2020, it’s been one hell of a year.

This has been without a doubt, one if not the most challenging years many of us have ever had to overcome. COVID-19 took away lives, closed down businesses, ended careers, destroyed friendships, put a strain on relationships, and continues to wreak havoc on our livelihoods each and every day. To make matters even worse, it feels as if this Global Pandemic continues to divide us, rather than unite us while bringing us together in a fight to save mankind.

Learning About Myself

I, like many of you, have had my fair share of mixed emotions this past year in which I’ve been reluctant to deal with (I’m really not good with expressing my emotions). However learning to cope with the everyday stresses of trying to steer a Small Business through a Pandemic and potential upcoming Recession, has taught me a great deal about myself on a personal level. For example, I never knew how therapeutic writing my weekly blogs, and daily Facebook posts could be. I’ve even improved my Love/Hate relationship with “The Gram” and have become an active user posting daily training and dietary content in my Instagram Stories. Shit, I even find myself including selfies in my content these days, something in which I NEVER thought I would do.

During the initial stages of British Columbia’s first Lockdown, I decided to create a YouTube Channel in order to help promote other Small Business Owners and their Businesses. I was amazed by how much content we were able to film during those 3 months, as we were releasing a new 30 minute video pretty much every single day. Since the Lockdown ended, I’ve had to put the channel on hold as business has been insanely busy for us this year. With that said, I still have roughly 15 episodes that I still need to upload and quite a few guests who I would still like to have come on the channel. Therefore I can promise you that this pause really is just temporary.

Learning About My Body

Up until this past year, I would have considered myself incredibly lucky when it comes to my health. I’ve never missed a day of work due to feeling ill or rundown. I’ve never broken a bone, torn a muscle or even strained a ligament. And despite a few minor and one fairly serious concussion, I’ve never had any significant health scares that required surgery or forced me to stay overnight in the hospital.

And then all that changed on Monday, August 3rd, 2020. This is a day that I will never forget. And if you read my weekly blogs, then you will remember that this is the day in which I admitted myself into the hospital due to severe abdominal pain. It wasn’t until after 24 hours and 2 CT Scans that the Doctors were able to diagnose me with severe appendicitis. My appendix was beginning to burst and I was told that surgery would be required immediately. I was also told that after surgery I would not be able to lift anything heavier than 10lbs for 6 weeks. Given my current Profession, I can tell you that I never considered this “recommendation” to be an option.

I did however end up taking 5 days off from work post-surgery. I took that time to give my body the rest that it so desperately needed. I also took that time to reflect on how much I’ve abused by body over the years with my ridiculous work days, an absurd sleep schedule, and back-breaking workouts. When I returned to work, I was a new person. I now give my body rest when it asks for it. I no longer pile up 12 hours straight on the gym floor working with clients, and even though I still give each and every workout I do 100%, I don’t and I won’t, ever push beyond one percentage point more.

Learning About People

I learned A LOT about people this year. I learned first hand that there is A LOT of good in people and unfortunately A LOT of bad as well. In my own inner circle amongst friends, colleagues and clients, COVID-19 separated the leaders from the followers and exposed the weak from the strong. I’ve never had a problem with working alongside people who share different views and have different opinions than I do. However when those views and opinions are supported by hatred, racism, sexism, bigotry, and just an overall lack of empathy for another soul, then I take issue.

This past September, I was informed by an former client, that if I continued to show my support for our Health-Care Workers, the usage of masks, social distancing, and practicing good hygiene, that he would no longer continue to train with me. I can honestly tell you that this is the first time in my 20+ years that a client has threatened to leave me because I share a difference in opinion then he or she. And I can also tell you that sticking to my beliefs and my ethics while letting this particular client leave was without a doubt the best decision I could ever make for both our business and my mental state.

I learned that even though I work in the service industry, that it’s impossible to make everyone happy. And more importantly, I learned that’s okay. If I had stopped showing my support for our Health Care Workers through our Social Media Platforms because my former client demanded that I do so, then I would be compromising my beliefs. And after the year we’ve all had, I can promise you that this is something that I will NEVER do.

Final Thoughts….

I know that many of us look upon 2020 as the year in which we would all like to forget. However for myself personally it’s a year that has allowed me to grow on both a personal level and a business level. Yes, 2020 has had it’s challenges, but I’ve never been one to back away from a fight (hence the 3 concussions). The pessimist in me believes that 2021 is actually going to be more challenging than 2020 could ever be. But the optimist in me, assures me that regardless of what new challenges arise this upcoming year, that if we all remain positive and support one another, and work together, we will get through COVID-19 and come out stronger, wiser, and hopefully more compassionate to one another than ever before.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance