(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


Are Cold Showers The New Fountain Of Youth?

The other day I had a friend ask me if I’ve ever written a blog pertaining to cold showers. Now having written over 400 blogs to date, I had to stop and think for a few moments if I have ever covered this somewhat controversial topic. After scrolling through my memory bank (which I must admit is limited and relatively empty on it’s best of days) I responded that I most likely have not. My friend’s response was simple yet direct - “Can you write a blog about cold showers?”. Not being one to disappoint or argue with a friend (especially one that excels at being a pain in my ass at times) I decided to save the extra headache and grief and just write the damn blog.

So off to the Internet I went……..

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Is Vancouver Dying?

As I walked to my gym this morning, I couldn’t help but think to myself that this potentially could be my very last Fall Season in Vancouver. And to be completely honest, I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love living in Vancouver. As someone who has spent the last 25 years of my life growing up and building a business in this city, it has and always will be considered home to me.

With that said, the City that I consider to be “Home” has drastically changed over the past few years.

Crime has increased rapidly.

Violent Acts Committed continue to multiply at an alarming rate.

The Homeless Population has grown substantially since this Pandemic began.

Vancouver has a SERIOUS Problem…….

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Do You Trust Your Team?

Regardless if I'm working with a client online or in person, I always try to get to know them on a personal level.

I ask them questions about their home life. Whether or not they have a partner. And if they do have a partner, is that partner supportive of their health and fitness goals?

I ask them about their social circle. Do their friends exercise and take care of themselves or do they live inactive and sedentary lifestyles?

And finally, I ask them about their careers. Do they have a stressful job? Do they work in a positive environment or a negative one?

I'm a firm believer that in order to get the most out of my clients in the gym with their workouts, and in the kitchen with their diets, I need to be nosy. I have to ask questions. And then I have to re-ask some of those questions again and again. If I'm going to customized a Training Program or design a Nutritional Plan for someone, I need to know more about them than just their hopes and dreams. I need to know about potential obstacles and barriers that could arise and sabotage their goals to lose weight, build muscle, improve their health, and transform their physique.

If I don't know my clients more on a personal level, than how can I prepare them for the times when they hit a plateau, or feel discouraged, unmotivated and want to give up and quit?

Quite simply - I can't.

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Why I Stopped Working So Hard

Most people (including myself) are told that if they work hard, go to school and get a degree, that they will get a job that pays well. Once they get that job that pays well they can then save up enough money to put a measly down payment on a giant mortgage that will take them 25-30 years to pay off. These people are then told that if they work even harder, they might be able to get a promotion at their job and make an extra 10-20K each year. Once these people achieve their promotion they begin to work even harder and longer hours then they were before. Their personal lives begin to suffer. Their families complain that they never see them anymore due to their long work hours. Their health and fitness begin to deteriorate due to the high demands and stress that are put on them in order to maintain their new position and sustain their new lifestyle. They can't quit their jobs that they now hate because they have a family that depends on their income. They blame their Bosses for pushing them too hard. They blame the Government for taxing them too much. And they blame the people that told them this was how you become successful in life.

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