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Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

I’m a firm believer that we really do become a product of our environment. Now I understand there are plenty of exceptions to this belief, however it’s hard to argue with stats and facts. And by collating every twin study across the world for the past 57 years, researchers have determined that the average variation for human traits and disease is 49% genetic factors and 51% due to environmental factors.

Ofcourse you can change the direction you are going in life. However that direction does become increasingly more challenging to change if you don’t have a strong support system in place.

And yes, you can change your mindset towards how you approach your career and your personal life. However that mindset also becomes increasingly more difficult to change if you’re constantly surrounded by likeminded individuals who are content with living a status quo life.

What I’m saying is that even though we don’t have to become a product of our environment, good or bad - the majority of us eventually do.

Regardless if you were fortunate enough to be born into a loving family and have a stable and secure upbringing, or if you were born into an abusive family and have struggled both emotionally and financially your entire existence, I do believe that that there is always opportunity to change our perception on how we view our own lives.

We just need to find the tools and learn how to use them in order to start making that change today.

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The Down & Dirty On My Vasectomy Procedure

As most of my clients know, I’m fairly direct and open to dialogue when it comes to discussing health and medical issues. I was fully transparent when I documented my emergency appendectomy surgery two years ago, and then again when I had my Grand Mal Seizure earlier last year. I wrote blogs in great detail on both of these experiences - from the TWO enemas I received prior to my appendicitis diagnosis, to my feelings of fear and anxiety as I awaited for my results from my MRI on my brain after my seizure had occurred.

I’ve always wanted my clients to feel comfortable talking to me about any and all of their health and fitness concerns regardless of how embarrassing or personal they might be. In return, as a way to show that I can relate and understand to some of these issues myself, I’ve always felt it important to share some of my own concerns with these very same issues and topics as well.

And when it comes to sexual health, I believe this should be no different. I think if more people were open to sharing even some of their most embarrassing sexual moments, fears and concerns, we would all feel more comfortable discussing and learning more from one another when it comes to this sometimes taboo subject. Sure, you can always do a Google Search to read about a topic or experience that you’re secretly embarrassed to learn about. But sometimes it helps when you know a person who is well versed in the topic, may have gone through that experience themselves, and is willing to share their thoughts, feelings and insights directly with you.

And never being one to shy away from controversy, for this week’s blog I’m going to do just that. So brace yourself (and don’t read any further if you’ve just eaten) as I’m going to provide you with a play by play to my vasectomy procedure that took place earlier this week.

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How Long Can You Last?

Living in today's modern society we can easily find ourselves surrounded by temptations on a daily basis. Whether those temptations are sugary treats at the coffee shop that you visit frequently, alcoholic beverages with a group of friends after work at your local pub or rooftop patio, or meaningless sex with a stranger whose name you can't remember, we all have urges and impulses that can sometimes make us act irrationally. And sometimes it's okay to give into those urges and sudden impulses. In fact, I would go as far to say that it's actually healthy for us to let loose and enjoy life's little gratifications from time to time.

But what happens when we constantly give into those urges, act impulsively, and become lost in temptation? Most of us experience feelings of guilt, shame, sorrow and regret as an aftermath of whatever act took place. And even though many of us promise ourselves that "it will be the last time" that we have that extra slice of cake, or order an extra round of Jagerbombs, or sleep with that person whose name we don't even know, statistically speaking, most of us will eventually breakdown and relapse again.

But is there a way for us to break these viscous cycles that we occasionally find ourselves in that are not adding any value to our lives? As someone who has struggled with his own addictions and unhealthy vices, I had to find out.

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Building Healthy Habits

I think it's safe to say that we all have our fair share of unhealthy habits. Whether it's drinking too much, exercising too little, overeating the bad foods, under-eating the good foods, smoking too often, abusing stimulants to stay awake, and/or popping pills to fall asleep - none of us our perfect.

And as much as many of us try to quit and give up some of our unhealthy habits, the reality is that it's really fucking hard to do it. Let's be honest, life can be challenging at times. There are times when work becomes stressful. Relationships end. Global Pandemics begin. Feelings of boredom, sadness, depression can easily arise when our lives feel as if they are in turmoil. Yet at the same time, when things are going well, it can become just as easy to take our feet off the proverbial gas pedal for a few minutes/days/weeks/years and "let loose" and "relax" on being disciplined with building our new and improved healthy habits.

But what happens when our healthy habits are broken and are left unrepaired for too long?

When does the saying "it's never too late to get started" become really just a meaningless saying?

And how can we turn our bad habits into good habits without giving up a lifestyle that we love and enjoy?

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