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I'm not typically one who is lost for words but today I find myself struggling to find them. 24 hours have passed and yet I still can't fully comprehend the horrific tragedy that occurred in Uvalde, Texas yesterday at 11:32am. You would think by now that I would have become desensitized to the news of another mass shooting in America. I mean yesterday was in fact the 213th mass shooting in the U.S. in 2022. Think about that number for a moment. 213 mass shootings in 21 weeks. That's averaging 10 mass shootings a week, and we're not even half way though the calendar year yet.

I'm not quite certain as to which direction I want to take this week's blog just yet. So please bear with me as I try to sort through my thoughts, express my feelings, and try my best to refrain from dispersing verbal diarrhea.

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Am I About To Get Cancelled? – Part 2

So how do you remain relevant and politically correct even if it means occasionally going against your very own beliefs and philosophies?

I mean, do we really need to start censoring ourselves even more than many of us already do in order not to get cancelled?

Fuck That! I would rather be cancelled than censor my content! If you take away someone's right to offer their opinion or share their belief system, than you are taking away a human right! By no means would I ever shame, criticize, or ostracize someone who thought differently or shared different viewpoints than my own. As long as those viewpoints and beliefs are not hurting anyone, I see no reason to cancel out the person who is sharing them.

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Am I About To Get Cancelled?

After 337 Weekly Blogs, one would think that I have ran out of things to write about by now. After 8 solid years of releasing blog after blog, week after week, I think that I've pretty much covered everything there is to be covered about diet, training and supplementation.

I've ridiculed the IIFYM Diet for being dangerous.
I've gone to war with CrossFit for being ridiculous.
I've debunked Bro Science "Facts" for being fact-less.
I've challenged Meatheaded Myths for being moronic.
I've exposed the Supplement Industry for being shameless.
I've revealed the Fitness Industry for it's flakiness.
And I've unmasked the truths behind Dumb Dieting Fads because....well...I'm just annoyed with Dumb Dieting Fads.

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Getting Fit On a Budget

This past weekend I attended a Birthday Party for a long term client of ours. This was the first big party I had attended since COVID-19 shut down the world two short years ago. I could tell people were incredibly happy to be out and socializing again. I too was happy to be interacting with people OUTSIDE of the gym even though the subject of what I do for a living came up a few times in conversation. And as much as I prefer not discussing work and business during my “down time”, I understand that as a Business Owner there is really no such thing as “down time” when potential business opportunities arise.

I’m happy to report that the party was a success. No one was overly intoxicated. No arrests were made. No indecent exposures arose. And I even made a few solid business connections that I plan on following up with this week.

I did however meet someone at this party who was quite surprised that so many people hire Personal Trainers to help them become more healthy and fit. In fact this person was shocked to learn that people invest so much of their time, effort and money into their health and physiques. When asked why I believe the Fitness Industry has become increasingly more popular and why highly reputable/experienced Trainers/Coaches are so high in demand, I simply responded - Because people are becoming more intelligent with their investments and know where to spend their money.

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