(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


Taking Smart Shortcuts In Order To Achieve Success

I've been working within the Fitness Industry for over two decades now. And during this time I've received a variety of questions pertaining to muscle building, fat loss, dietary nutrition, supplementation and overall health. And to be honest, I don't always know the answer to every single question that I receive. However one of the most important things that I have learned throughout the past 20+ years in this industry, is that what works for one person, does not necessarily work for the next. Therefore I'm incredibly careful when I answer a question that I know that the answer is based on multiply factors.

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Is It Time To Quit Drinking…….Again?

I’ve never been a heavy drinker. In fact between 2016-2020, I think I had a total of two drinks. And If I recall correctly, they were singles at most!

But then the Pandemic hit. During the beginning stages of COVID-19 where most businesses slowed down, our business actually became busier than ever before. The demand to train both Online in addition to at our Private Training Facility was at an all time high. When most Commercial Gyms were forced to close their doors, we were fortunately permitted to keep ours open. Ofcourse there were numerous challenges that we had to overcome such as controlling numbers of clients on the floor at any given time, the usage of masks at all times, implementing hand sanitizing throughout the gym, ensuring that everyone maintain a 6 foot distance from one another, and following all other COVID-19 Rules & Regulations that were given to us from our Provincial Health Officers here in British Columbia.

During those first few months, I feel as if I handled the stress of the increased volume in business quite well. In fact, I felt incredibly fortunate to be able to continue to work, never mind have more work handed off to me. But as those 12 hour workdays started to turn into 18 hour workdays, and those 6 days of work, turned into 7 days of work, the pressure started to build up.

I needed a break.

I needed an outlet for my newly developed stress.

I needed a drink.......

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Dear Veterans………I’m Sorry…..

Well here it is.

November 11th.

Remembrance Day.

Today is a day in which we are supposed to remember the men and women who served and sacrificed for our country. It is a day we encourage every individual, young and old, to pause, to give thanks and to remember. After World War Two, Remembrance Day (also known as "Poppy Day" or "Veterans Day" in the United States of America) became a public holiday which is recognized as day of tribute to Veterans of both World War One and World War Two. Remembrance Day marks the end of fighting on the Western Front on November 11th, 1918. It has since become a day to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have died since World War 1.

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How Do You Stay Motivated During a Pandemic?

Let’s be honest - November Sucks!

First and foremost, my apologies if your birthday takes place in the month of November. The fact that you were born in a crappy month isn’t your fault, nor does it identify who you are as a person. And besides, I’m sure somewhere in the world right now, the sun is out and the weather is beautiful. But here in Vancouver, British Columbia, the forecast for the next few weeks calls for rain, rain and…..well……more rain. Throw in the fact that Daylight Savings ends this coming Sunday, November 7th, causing us to lose an extra hour of sleep, and we’ve got what you call a real first class world problem.

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