(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com



I’ll be honest, I have ALOT of Bad Habits. I go to bed too late and wake up too early. I over exercise when I’m feeling stressed. And I bury myself in work in order to distract myself when my personal life is chaotic and/or in turmoil.

Ofcourse we all have our own coping mechanisms that we use when dealing with the everyday trials and tribulations of life. Some of us turn to food. Some of us turn to Online Shopping. Some of us turn to drugs and alcohol. And then there are those people like myself that use actives such as exercise and work as a distraction so that they don’t have to deal with the harsh realities of life at times.

I’ve heard that it takes 21 Days to develop a good habit and remain consistent with performing that habit on a regular basis. In my opinion and in my experience with working with the general population for the past 20+ years, this is a fairly accurate assessment.

With that said, I often find myself wondering how long would it take to break a bad habit though? And if one were to break that habit, what would be the best approach to use while trying to break it?

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It’s been two weeks since I dropped my last blog. Last week alone, I only released 3 posts to our Facebook Group Page and 1 post to my Instagram Account. As someone who prides himself as being consistent with anything and everything he does in life, this is simply unacceptable.

Now I could easily sit here and provide reasons/excuses for my inconsistency with our Social Media Platforms, but in my opinion none of them would be valid. Yes, our business has become increasingly busier this past year (especially as COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift more and more). And sure, our new Online Training Platform has demanded a great deal of my time these past few weeks and has been somewhat of a distraction for me. Hell, even my personal life has become more hectic as new business ventures, and opportunities are demanding more of my time away from the gym as meetings and social obligations need to be met.

However like any good Business Owner would do when his or her business becomes busier, you hire some help.

And that’s exactly what I did……

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Are You Pandemic-Proof?

If COVID-19 has taught me anything over the last 18 months, it's that life is incredibly short and if something or someone is not adding any value to your life, then it's time to make a change for good.

If you're in an unhealthy relationship, end it.

If you hate your job, leave it.

If your current circle of friends are constantly negative and are draining your energy, make new friends.

Okay, I understand that it's not that easy to just end a relationship. Especially if you're married and have kids. And I know that everyone has bills to pay. Therefore I'm not suggesting you go out and quit your job tomorrow without any backup plan or savings. And I realize that it's not easy to put yourself out there and make new friends. Especially if you're older and have become set in your ways. But with all that said, if you truly want to make a change in your life for the better, then you will do whatever it takes to make that change, regardless of how frightening, awkward and challenging it may be.

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Why Aren’t I Seeing Results?

You’ve been training incredibly intense in the gym day in and day out for the past few months.

You’ve been disciplined and structured with your diet for the better part of this year.

You’ve been laser focused and self motivated on bettering both your health and your physique as more and more COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift slowly.

You’re doing everything right (or at least think you’re doing everything right) in both the gym and the kitchen in order to achieve your target health and fitness goals.

But there’s problem………

You’re not seeing any results.

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