(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


Developing a Timeless Physique

Have you ever stopped and wondered where all of us gym junkies, iron addicts and fitness enthusiasts will end up in 10, 15 or 20 years from now? And I'm not talking about the workout imposters who spend more time focused on their phones while they're in the gym, then on their own actual workouts. I'm referring to those of us that actually give a damn about exercising and give each and every single workout we do, 110% of our utmost focus and intensity.

Where will we be?

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Are You in a Fitness Rut?

Every so often we'll have a client who trains with us consistently at our facility or who works with us online suddenly stop showing up for their workouts or begin to miss their weekly check-ins with us online. Now we're not referring to our clients who occasionally miss a workout or check-in due to sleeping through their alarm, family emergency or a scheduling conflict. Life happens and sometimes shit just gets in the way. And we know that.

The clients that we're speaking of though are the clients that were once exercising regularly and staying on track with their nutrition consistently, and then all of a sudden just stopped. Ofcourse everyone has a reason/excuse to stop exercising or following a regiment diet plan and sometimes (but rarely) are these reasons/excuses valid. No, you don't necessarily need to work with a Personal Trainer or Coach to transform your physique and improve upon your health. However if you're finding it difficult to remain accountable with your training in the gym, and dedicated to your diet in the kitchen, then it most definitely can make a world of difference to the results that you're going to achieve if you're working with a professional with a proven track record for results.

But what happens when you've just lost that will and desire to get into shape? What do you do when that self motivation you once had to get up and go to the gym disappears? And how can you reclaim your passion for the iron and take back control of both your body and mind?

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Lifestyles of The Fit & The Shameless

Ugh..... It's 2019 and I am now officially a social media whore. I have become everything that I used to mock, ridicule, rant and rave about. I used to pride myself as being known as that analog man living in a digital world. Alas over the past few years I now find myself out there hashtagging, blogging and tweeting with the best of them. Entrapped in an cyber world full of impersonal communication, which in my opinion, very often leads to misguided misinformation, fake news, and can even fuel cyberbullying at times.

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Have Your Hemorrhoids Become a Pain in the Ass?

If you're someone who lifts weights regularly, you may be in danger of developing hemorrhoids. Incase you don't know, hemorrhoids are caused when veins near your anus become swollen, which often occurs when you are straining and placing excessive pressure on your abdomen region.

Believe it or not, one of the reasons I'm so OCD when it comes to my clients breathing properly while exercising in the gym has to do with helping prevent hemorrhoids. Yes, you can actually get hemorrhoids if you're holding your breath or breathing inwards on any exertion movements during weight lifting sessions. This is why it's so important to focus on always breathing out on exertion and focusing on your breathing while you are lifting weights, especially when the weights you're lifting are heavy.

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