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If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now……

Knowing what you know now as to where you are currently at in life, if you could go back in time and give your younger self any advice what would it be? The other day I found myself asking my Dad this very same question and his response got me to thinking about how the decisions and actions that I make today will impact the life I live tomorrow. I've never been shy to ask my parents for their advice or for their opinions when it comes to making decisions about finances, investments, relationships and other issues that may arise in my life. They are older, they are wiser and they have much more life experience then I do. So why wouldn't I ask them for their thoughts and opinions, especially when I know that they always have my best interest in mind?

We all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from these mistakes and not make them again. Unfortunately many people have difficulty learning and/or listening well and continue to make the same mistakes over the course of their lifetime. I myself have been guilty of this a few times which is why I've always looked for advice and assistance from others who are more knowledgeable and experienced then I am in certain subjects and areas of life.....

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Ready, Set, Grow!

Why is it that the majority of us who set personal goals never really achieve them? Is it because we have unrealistic expectations? Are we weak minded individuals? Do we just give up too easily? Is it because of our surrounding environment? Are there too many distractions for us to remained focused?

Maybe. Or maybe these are just excuses.

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Living to Lift or Lifting to Live?

The other day I had a client in one of my group classes ask me how often I workout. My response surprised him as I think he was under the impression that I was a gym junkie who lived and breathed the weights. Come to think of it, most of my clients must assume that I'm obsessed with training as the only times they really ever hear or see me is when I'm in the gym either training them or training myself. The truth is, I can't really blame them for thinking this way. If you follow me on Instagram the majority of my photos are of me working out. If you're friends with me on Facebook the majority of my posts are about working out. So to the majority of people who know me or know of me, must think that I'm fairly one dimensional. And maybe I am. Or maybe I'm just that damn consistent with both my training and my business.

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Why The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side

I don't know if it's because the holiday season is amongst us which can be stressful for many people or if it's because of the weather change here in Vancouver, but something has definitely crawled up a few peoples' butts this week. I've never heard so many people bitch and complain to me about the most insignificant of issues. Ofcourse none of our lives are perfect and we can always find ways to focus on the negatives while ignoring the positives but lately it seems as if I can't go anywhere without hearing someone whine and fuss about something.

As a personal trainer and small business owner I'm use to hearing people complain. Whether it be about their jobs, their relationships or the workout I'm giving them, listening to people grumble and groan comes with the territory of this profession. And as such, I've learned to accept this. What I can't accept though is when people's negativity starts to effect others around them, including myself. I consider myself to be a fairly happy and positive person for the most part. Sure, I get angry and annoyed at times but rarely do my family, friends and clients ever see this side of me. As difficult as it may be at certain times, I've always tried my best to control my emotions, especially when in a professional setting. I don't air my dirty laundry for the world to hear about on Social Media nor do I post videos online of shaming or putting others down just to make myself feel better. I really do believe that we are a product of our own environment. Therefore why would I ever want to turn my environment into a place of negativity and despair?

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