One of the most common requests that I receive from friends and family members is if I can design a workout program for them. Now obviously I am a Personal Trainer and I do design customized training programs for clients all the time. In fact I work with dozens of clients throughout North America through my online training and nutritional plans. However this is a service that I provide and therefore one that I charge a rate for. I have not and never will create a complimentary training program for anyone as it takes a lot of time and effort for me to do this.
I don't just put a few random exercises together and add on a set number of sets and reps and send it to a client. Nor do I create generic training plans that can easily be found online yet are not personalized for each individual's level of fitness, specific training goals and physical limitations. When I create a program for a client, I start from scratch each and every time. I don't do cookie cutter plans and I don't copy and paste workout routines to multiply clients. As much time as this may save, quite frankly it does not work. We are all individuals with different genetics, different health issues, different goals and different abilities and therefore we all need to have different training programs in my opinion.
I have to admit, the last few weeks have been a little bit hectic, depressing and somewhat stressful for me. It all started last month with the sudden loss of my long term client/friend who I had the pleasure of working with for many years. Obviously this tragic event has impacted me greatly as I've still found it difficult to sleep and have had trouble staying focused and concentrated on my own work.
Usually when I'm dealing with a personal issue I rely on my workouts to help cheer me up and centre me again. However the problem is that I've been skipping the vast majority of my training sessions and during the odd time that I do train I know that I'm not giving it 100%, hell I'm not even giving it 50%. There have been many times in the last few weeks that I question why I even bother to train at all. I mean, I know I'm pretty healthy, my body fat levels are fairly low and I don't feel too bad about my body image, so what's the problem in taking a break?
Well, I guess nothing really except that I don't really want to take a break. Not because I want a chiseled six pack or because I want a bigger chest but more so because lifting is my life. Sad right? Maybe. But let me explain to you as to why that is.
Did you know that I tell every single one of our clients that they should overtrain? In fact I personally don't even believe in overtraining nor do I think that there is such a thing as "too much" when it comes to exercise and physical activity if planned out in advance with intelligence and common sense.
I know what you're thinking. Why would I tell my clients to overtrain? Isn't that after all counterproductive or even dangerous? According to countless scientific studies the body grows when it's at rest, so why would you want to spend so much time training if in fact you should be resting? Well, I'm no scientist but I like to conduct my own studies in the gym on my own body rather then listen to some brainiac who tells me how to train for my specific health and fitness goals.
Okay guys, I'm sorry but this week's blog is targeted towards the ladies in our lives. There will be no discussions on to how to increase your 1 rep max or how to build a more a muscular and defined chest nor will I be providing any tips on how to train for 18 inch arms or how to widen your back. In all my years of training I've yet to meet a single female who wishes to achieve any of these features with their own physique therefore none of them will be covered.
What will be covered however is to why in my opinion not only should women train with weights but why they NEED to train with weights. So Ladies if you're not lifting then keep reading and if you are lifting then keep lifting and keep reading anyways.