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Never Settling for Satisfaction

I have a confession to make. I'm ashamed to admit it however I've been quite lazy when it comes to work this week. My weekly blog which is due out every Monday is only now coming out today which is three days behind schedule. I'm also behind on invoices, scheduling and I haven't even started designing my weekly training programs and nutritional plans for our online clients which are due out every Friday morning.

So what's up?

Have I been sick? Nope.

Have I been busy? No more then usual.

Am I burnt out? NEVER!

I'm in contest prep mode baby!!!!!

Ugh, talk about a lame ass excuse.......

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Controlling Consistency

You go to the gym on a regular basis. You eat relatively clean and healthy 90% of the time. You make sure to get the rest and sleep that your body requires to grow and replenish itself. In other words, you are living an active and fit lifestyle. You've received some pretty good results with your physique while living this lifestyle and according to your doctor you are in excellent health. Congratulations! You have accomplished something that 60% of the general population are unable or unwilling to do - You've taken control of your health.

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Nick Cosgrove VS The IIFYM Diet – Round 3 The Final Knockout!

Continued from Nick Cosgrove VS The IIFYM Diet - Round 2

As I mentioned in my previous blog, the first actual nutritional plan I ever designed was my own. I experimented with different types of foods, consumed them at different parts of the day and paid close attention to my portion control. Not only did I keep a record of everything that went into my body, I also recorded how I felt after I consumed the foods both physically and mentally. I became meticulous with my meal prep. I purchased a food scale so that I could weigh out my protein, fats and carbs and made sure to watch my body to see how it would respond with the increase or decrease in the amount of calories I was consuming from week to week. I kept track of how I felt during each and every workout. If I had a good workout I would highlight my pre-workout meal and try it again to see if the meal had the same effect each time. If I had a poor workout I would scratch out the pre-workout meal I had chosen or implement it somewhere else in my plan throughout the day.

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Nick Cosgrove VS The IIFYM Diet – Round 2

Continued from Nick Cosgrove VS The IIFYM Diet - Round 1

So if "a calorie is just a calorie" and technically we can all get away with eating whatever we want and not have to worry about gaining weight as long as we stay within our daily macronutrient allowance then why do some of us choose to go the cleaner or healthier route and consume the bulk of our calories from whole natural foods?

I have to admit, the thought of being able to get away with eating ice cream and cake while still being able to maintain my six pack does sound intriguing. However even though you might be able to get away with eating all the bad foods that you love and still look great on the outside, a person has to wonder what in fact are all these bad foods doing to their body on the inside?

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