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Nick Cosgrove vs The IIFYM DIET – Round 1

Those of you who know, work or train with me are most likely well aware of my hatred toward the IIFYM Diet otherwise known as the - "If It Fits Your Macros Diet". I'm usually one to keep my opinion to myself unless asked, however when it comes to the topic of this so-called "flexible dieting" phenomenon that has gained huge popularity over these past few years, I refuse to hold back.

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How Should I Eat?

I would have to say without a doubt that the most common question that I receive from clients and fellow gym members who are in need of assistance with their diets is "What should I eat?". Without hesitation most people in my situation who generally have a good grasp on nutrition might start listing off foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of meat, eggs, nuts, whole grains, etc. However whenever I'm asked this question I cannot provide a clear cut answer. To me, a person's diet and nutrition is extremely personal. I don't believe in recommending the same foods for different people. The answer to their question depends on so many contributing factors such as the individual's training goals, genetics, current eating habits, training frequency, lifestyle and the list goes on. So I guess rather then ask "What should I eat?" the better question in my opinion is to ask "How should I eat?"

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Please Excuse My Excuses

As a Personal Trainer I've heard just about every excuse in the book as to why someone can't workout or missed his or her training session. From the ever so popular "I don't feel well" to the widely used early morning (and sometimes even mid-afternoon!) excuse of "I slept in" to my all time favorite - "I don't have time". During all of these years I think I've heard more reasons as to why people can't or don't workout rather then why they can or should workout. Okay, so we all get run down, overworked and/or extremely busy at times. That's life. And as they say - "Shit Happens...." However when this "Shit" is happening on a regular basis then perhaps it's time you step back and revaluate your quality of life and the barriers that are getting in the way of your health and fitness goals.

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Learning to Love Your Lagging Body Parts

One of the most commonly asked questions that I receive from clients on a regular basis is how to bring up lagging body parts. During all of my years of working with fitness competitors, athletes and the rest of the general population, I've yet to meet a single person who is completely satisfied with his or her own physique. Whether it be washboard abs, bigger arms, a chiseled chest, a firm butt, toned thighs, I've heard it all. Lagging body parts are common and everyone has them. Nobody has the perfect body. These so-called "troubled areas" are usually a result of your genetics combined with your daily activities/lifestyle. Now you can't change your genetics. Your parents are your parents for life. What you were born with is what you've got. Accept it and be proud of it. You can however make changes and improvements to your physique by simply incorporating specific exercises to target the areas you wish to improve on as well as altering your daily activities. But what exactly should you do and how should you do it? Well the answer is actually not as simple and clear cut as you may think.

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