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Personal Training Paparazzi

There is a growing trend being used by Personal Trainers and Coaches on their social media platforms that is really beginning to irk me. And that trend is filming clients while they exercise and workout during their sessions and posting it online for others to view and possibly even critique. I remember when Trainers first started filming their clients on their cellphones a few years ago. My first thought was how extremely unprofessional this act was on the Trainer’s part, and my second thought was why the hell was the client allowing this to happen! I mean shouldn’t the Trainer be TRAINING their client instead of FILMING their client?

I’m going to try my best to keep this week’s blog a blog and not a rant, but I want to explain my reasoning as to why I don’t film our clients working out and why I don’t believe in broadcasting their results all over social media to help market our business. So please bear with me as I try my absolute best to not lose my shit on these Moronic Meatheads who are using their clients to help generate business while their clients are PAYING them to HELP them!!!!!

Marketing 101

You don’t have to have a degree in marketing to know that if people don’t know about your business, then there’s a good chance your business will not succeed and survive. Therefore business owners understand the importance of using effective marketing strategies to help generate possible leads and build up a solid clientele base so that their businesses can become profitable and continue to thrive and grow. In our own case, the majority of the clients that we work with have been referred to us from our already pre-existing clientele. In my opinion, when you’re selling a service, there is absolutely no greater form of marketing then from a current client who is referring business to you because he or she enjoys working with your company, has achieved results since working with you, and feels confident enough in your services to refer you to their friends and family members. I believe that this form of marketing speaks volumes and goes far beyond a fancy marketing app, or high definition promotional video.

Personal Trainer Pressure

Look, there are tons of people who love having their photo taken. Take a scroll down Facebook or cruise through Instagram and you will see a dozen shameless selfies within the first 30 seconds of your voyage. The perfect lighting, the perfect filter and the perfect screen shot can make all the difference between a few hundred likes and a few thousand likes. Now even though I myself am not to fond of the whole selfie situation (especially the ones that are taken scantly clad in the washroom and have a motivational quote attached to them), I’ve learned to accept and co-exist peacefully with these self portraits just as I have with the CrossFitters and their upside down push-ups and Flexible Dieters with their pre-workout Pop-Tarts. And the reason I’m now okay with the selfies is because the people who are posting them are knowingly and willingly doing so.

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for clients who are being filmed in the gym by their Trainers without their permission or knowledge that many of these videos will be made public for the world to see. I’m sure (or I at least hope) that the majority of these Trainers would at least ask their clients permission before being filmed and/or if they mind having a video of them exercising posted online. And I’m sure that many clients don’t mind at all or at least tell their Trainer that they don’t mind, as they don’t want to let their Trainer down or have them feel disrespected. And this is where the Personal Trainer Pressure truly comes into play. The client feel obliged to help the Trainer grow his or her business, as the Trainer is “helping” the clients get back into shape. There is only one problem with this though – The client is PAYING the Trainer to help them get back into shape. Therefore the client should not feel obliged to do anything that may make he or she feel uncomfortable during their session such as being part of an unflattering video or photo of them exercising as 6am in the morning with bed head, sleep deprived and sweating profusely.

Closing Argument

I’ve always believed in letting my work speak for itself. I don’t boast online about having over hundred clients that I work with on a weekly basis. I won’t take videos of my clients working out during their sessions with me because I respect their privacy. And I can’t even imagine asking a client if I could film or take a photo of he or she exercising during one of their sessions with me, as I’m far too focused on helping them during their session achieve results, rather then trying to help myself achieve more business.

Is my way the right way? Maybe not. Is my way the smart way? Probably not. Is my way the ethical way? 100% Without hesitation, YES!

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit