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Risking Your Health For Financial Wealth

I really admire people who claim to live their lives with no regrets. I myself would be lying if I said that there were things I didn’t regret doing or missing out on in life. I also regret some things that I’ve done in my past as well. I understand that’s it easy to think that the mistakes and errors that we’ve made in the past help make us who we are today in the present. However I just think if I had been able to bypass some of these mistakes and errors, I would have saved myself a hell of alot of time, stress and grief, and still wouldn’t have turned out half that bad.

Alas with age comes wisdom (or so they say). Today I try to live in the moment, while still planning for my future and learning from my mistakes of the past.

Wasted Time

We’ve all heard the saying that time is our most precious commodity. And we all know that once that time has passed, we will never get it back. This is something I find myself thinking about alot lately, especially when it comes to my business and my lifestyle. I mean do I really need to work as many hours in a week that I do? Is it absolutely necessary that we increase our profit margin within each new month, and surpass our annual sales revenue each new year? Can I sit back, relax and take a mini vacation or at least a mental break from the business and life yet?

Truth be told, my body is starting to get a bit worn down and tired these days. I find it becoming increasingly more difficult to get out of bed at 5am everyday and more challenging (both physically and mentally) to constantly be trying to grow my business. Perhaps a break would be good, but then again I find myself wondering – How much time I would be wasting if I were to take this break? I think that this is a problem that is very common amongst most Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Workaholics. On the other hand this is also probably a good reason as to why most people who are lazy rarely if ever become successful in life.

How Much Is Your Time Worth To You? 

As a Personal Trainer/Online Coach I think I’ve heard just about every single reason as to why someone cannot exercise and workout. And rather then scold or ridicule clients for their “reasons” as to why they cannot do something, I simply just turn it around on them and ask them why they wanted to get started in the first place.

I work with alot of people who make alot of money. And quite frankly the money that many of these people are making is well warranted for the amount of time and effort they dedicate to their careers. The sacrifices that they make to meet deadlines, the amount of sleepless nights they accumulate to finish projects, the amount of stress they put their bodies under in order to do a “good job”.

It’s all worth it!

Or is it?…..

How Much Of Your Health Are You Willing To Pay For Your Wealth? 

Most of us who have jobs that we like, are not typically driven by the amount of money that we make. Sure, making a good income is nice. And yes, I understand that there are people out their who are solely motivated by money and therefore only work for a pay cheque. But quite honestly, I feel sorry for these people. If your goal in life is just to make alot of money and spend all of your time, effort AND HEALTH, trying to accumulate a substantial amount of wealth while doing a job that you hate, then I think the risks that you are taking, far outweigh the rewards that you may or may not receive.

Taking a Health Break

I realize that not everyone is going to like everything about their jobs. Trust me there are PLENTY of things that I despise about my own job. However there are PLENTY of more things that I love about my job. And the things that I love, surpass the things that I despise. And even though I may work long hours and don’t take days off, I do make sure to give my body the rest it needs when it needs it. I also make sure to give back to my body by giving myself enough time in my day to exercise and eat healthy. I schedule my workouts in my day just as I would for an important meeting or session with a client. I take my nutrition seriously and am not willing to “save time” by passing through a fast food joint and consuming some greasy processed garbage, so that I can get my work done.

My point is that there is no job, no deadline, and no amount of money worth making if it means that you are risking your own health to make it.

Just remember this – Every time you skip a workout because something came up at work, you’re risking a little bit of your health. Every time you have a bad meal because it’s fast, convenient and saves you time to get to work, you’re risking a little bit of your health. Every time you lie awake at night stressing about work, you’re risking your health.


Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance