(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


The Gym has helped me through break-ups.

The Gym has helped me though the tragic losses of loved ones and friends.

The Gym has helped me though financial hardships.

The Gym has helped me manage my stress levels.

The Gym has helped me create balance in my life.

The Gym has helped me establish a career and a successful business.

The Gym has given me a reason to wake up each morning.

So if you were to ask me if I think Going To The Gym should be considered an essential service, my answer is and always will be – You’re Damn Right It Should Be Considered An Essential Service!

The Biased Opinion

I’ve been holding back my thoughts and opinions with regards to Gym Closures throughout COVID-19. As someone who makes a large percentage of his annual income from operating a business from a gym, I understand that these thoughts and opinions may come off as bias and unjust. I mean obviously if gyms are forced to close again during this upcoming second wave, this will have another significant impact on all fitness-related businesses once again.

However after talking with some of our clients who chose to refrain from coming to our Training Facility during the early stages of this Global Pandemic, it has occurred to me that it’s important for me to explain why I believe going to the gym should be considered an essential service as long as it’s done in a safe and controlled environment. And regardless if you choose to believe me or not, none of what I’m about to say is financially motivated.

Mental Health

It’s no secret that regular exercise is excellent for our mental health and wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown that even doing just 30 minutes of exercise a day for three to five days a week can significantly improve depression or anxiety symptoms. Regular exercise helps decrease stress, increase self-esteem and self confidence, improves sleep, and gives our brains a boost of serotonin.

When you take away that outlet for regular exercise (ie THE GYM), all those benefits I just listed are taken away with it.

Just Go Exercise Outside!

Okay, well if the gyms do happen to close again (which they look as if they most likely will), then the argument could be made that people can just go outside and exercise. Perhaps. But talk to any serious Gym Junkie, and they themselves will tell you that doing Push-Ups and Sit-Ups in the park, is NOTHING in comparison to lifting heavy ass weights in the gym!

And as for running? I’m 240lbs and need to wear size 38 jeans just so that I can fit my damn legs into each leg opening. Can you honestly imagine me running down the street? There’s a better chance of me joining a ZUMBA Class than me ever going for a run in this lifetime.

Workout From Home!

Look, I have nothing against ZOOM Workouts. In fact, our company offers them to our clients who are immune compromised and therefore are unable to go to any gyms during COVID-19. And if you’re working with your Trainer Online and are still able to get in a pretty good workout, then I applaud you.

However, there are many (and I mean MANY) people at home right now who might have a kettlebell, old set of dumbbells, and a yoga mat, and assume they are “working out”. But how effective are these workouts if they are just doing them on their own without the assistance of their Trainer? I mean the reality is that you can only do so much with the same set of dumbbells and bodyweight exercises for months on end until you eventually reach a plateau with your training.

I know, I know, I’m going to get bashed by all the ZOOM Trainers out there that proclaim that you can get a great workout in with just a couple cans of peas and some loaded milk cartons to use as weights. Well maybe you can, but the fact of the matter is, that working out in a real gym with real weights, will always be more effective because the options you are given to progress are endless.

The Last Word

One thing I like about writing my weekly blogs is that I always get the last word on the topic in which I am discussing. However I’m always open and willing to listen to my readers opinions and views on any topic, even if those opinions and views differ from mine.

But if it were up to me, I would strongly advise keeping gyms open during the second wave of COVID-19. Gym Owners and staff should continue to enforce social distancing, limit numbers on the floor, and encourage gym members to clean up after themselves and wipe down equipment after use. If masks become mandatory here in BC, I will wear one without hesitation.

Although going to the gym might seem selfish to some people, it’s important to keep in mind how not going to the gym can affect other people, both mentally and physically.

I don’t and I won’t ever judge people for staying out of the gyms until if and when a vaccine is found for COVID-19. I understand and respect each person’s own level of comfort and tolerance to the spread of these viruses. Finally, I think it’s important that we all continue to have compassion and understanding for one another during this difficult time, and not ridicule or shame others for having different beliefs than yours or mine.

Stay Strong. Stay Fit. Stay Healthy. And Stay Positive.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance