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The Future Of Fitness

The other day a client asked me if I had heard of a new piece of exercise technology called Mirror. Apparently this latest gym gadget is designed to allow people to train out of the comfort of their own home. This self proclaimed “Intelligent Tabloid” claims to offer the “Ultimate Workout Experience” and like every other fitness fad, guarantees results. Oh and apparently it’s also “Better” then working with a Personal Trainer.

Yawn….It’s 2019. Are we still not done with this repetitive roller coaster of regurgitated rubbish? Call me bias, however in my opinion technology CANNOT and WILL NOT ever replace the knowledge, experience and expertise of working with a Qualified, Certified and Reputable PERSONAL TRAINER.

Unfortunately there are always going to be people out there trying to reinvent the wheel while capitalizing on their tires before they flatten out. And unfortunately there are just as many naive consumers out there waiting to spend their hard earned cash on empty promises and false hopes.

Falling For The Fitness Fads

I’ve been working in the fitness industry for a very long time. And during this time, I’ve come across many wacky workout trends, dumb dieting theories, and moronic marketing ploys used just to make a quick buck. Fortunately most of these fads eventually die. However unfortunately occasionally they’re resurrected and refurbished into something that appears new, but essentially is just the same pile of crap, but prettier.

And now with the prevalence of social media and with modern day technology advancing so quickly, more and more people are trying to cash in on fitness apps that promise to hold us accountable for our own health and wellbeing.

Ugh, here we go again…..

Trainer vs Technology

I’m not going to sit hear and try to defend all Trainers against Technology. In fact, from what I’ve seen on the floor over the past few years is that there probably is some Technology out there that is more effective then some of the Trainers that I’ve witnessed “training” clients. However taking the bad trainers aside, in my opinion there is no piece of modern day technology – regardless of how advanced it may be, that can compete with working one one one or even in a small group class setting with a a reputable and knowledgeable Fitness Professional.

Yes, I’m aware that many of these apps come with videos of exercises and Interactive Personal Trainers, however these apps cannot correct form, teach proper technique and provide alternative exercises when necessary for someone who is working through an injury or may have a physical limitation.

Doing It On Your Own

Is it absolutely necessary to have a Personal Trainer in order to get good results?

Ofcourse it’s not!

However if you’re a complete beginner to the gym or don’t find that you push yourself hard enough and move as quickly on your own during your own workouts, then it might not be a bad idea to invest in working with a Fitness Professional.

I cannot tell you how many people I see in the gym these days resting far too long in between their sets. Whether they are talking to other gym members or cruising through Instagram while they “rest” these people ARE NOT TRAINING. And if you’re not training, then you’re not going to get results.

But Personal Trainers are not just for beginners and people who lack self motivation and focus in the gym. In fact, the majority of our clients having been working with us for over a decade and rarely if ever even bring their cellphones onto the gym floor. Most of our clients know how to exercise and workout. And most of them understand the importance of getting in not just a good workout, but a great workout! Therefore they don’t want to spend time waiting for equipment in overcrowded gyms. They don’t want to have to plan out every single workout in their head before they enter the gym. And they don’t want to worry about injuring themselves incase they’re having an off day and need a spot, tweak or correction to their form.

Our clients want results. And in order to achieve these results, they know that they need to go into the gym, focus strictly on their workouts, and then get out so they can start to rest and recover. They don’t want to waste time talking about current events, or playing around on their cellphones. And we don’t want to waste their time by providing them with lackluster workouts.

So can you workout and exercise on your own and get good results?

Well that’s up to you to answer. But if your cellphone continuously makes an appearance during your workouts or you find yourself “resting” longer then 60-90 seconds in between your sets, then in my opinion the answer is No…No You Cannot.

The Future Looks Bright! (Hopefully) 

Despite the constant shameless gym selfies and the growing trend of texting while training, I remain optimistic about the future of fitness. I’m not against technology helping people become more healthy and active nor do I think that people cannot achieve results with their physiques on their own. I honestly believe that if someone wants to accomplish their target health and fitness goals, and is determined to succeed, then they will find a way to do just that. And whether that means with the help of a Personal Trainer, the use of a Fitness App, or just doing trying to figure out how to workout, exercise and diet on their own, he or she will eventually succeed.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance