(604) 999-9968 info@foreverfitperformance.com


Earlier this week both Instagram and Facebook were reported as being down for a few hours (six hours to be exact).

At first I was frustrated, as I spend a great deal of time marketing our services through these two Social Media Platforms and receive quite a bit of business from all the networking that we do online. However after a few hours into this Social Media Shutdown, my frustration started to slowly turn into relief. This was the first time in a long time that I could separate myself from my phone for more then an hour. I didn’t have to worry about what post to write and/or what video to post. I was able to focus on other components of our business while at the same time giving my brain some much needed down time of it’s own from the Social Media World. And I have to admit – I LOVED it!!!

But it occurred to me today (the day after the shutdown) – Why don’t I unplug from Social Media more often? I mean do I really need to spend as much time as I do creating content to post online?

80’s Baby 

I feel incredibly fortunate to have not grown up in a Cyber World. I didn’t even purchase my first computer until I was 23 years old. I’ve spoken about my love/hate relationship with Social Media numerous times in the past. And I’ve always tried my best to have a healthy relationship with these online applications.

With that said, there are times when even the most successful relationships can become unstable and the future begins to appear uncertain. However if both parties are willing to work on their indifferences and resolve the issue(s) in hand, then a relationship that is worth saving will be saved.

The problem is that I’m beginning to think Social Media and I cannot work out our indifferences. We are not willing to compromise with one another. My relationship with both Instagram and Facebook has become one of toxicity. I’m bored of hashtagging, fed-up with filtered ass selfies, and exhausted with threatening DMs.

I need an out.

I need a break.

And I needed Monday’s Social Media Shutdown More then I could ever imagine.

How To Become Successful At Social Media

You Can’t Be Normal.

You Have To Have a Very Simple Mindset.

You Can’t Allow Yourself To Get Distracted By Drama, Stressful Situations and Negative People.

These are just some of the beliefs I have when it comes to achieving my goals. I’ve always believed that it’s a skillset to remain focused, determined and self motivated. Some people are born naturally with this skillset, while others need to continuously work hard in order just to maintain a strong work ethic and refine it over and over again.

For myself personally, remaining focused, determined, and self motivated comes easy to me. I don’t need to attend a Tony Robbins seminar or watch a motivational YouTube video for inspiration. I’m not saying that I’m laser focused 24/7 when it comes to achieving my goals, but I will say that not a single day passes where I don’t do something productive that is going to get me one step closer to achieving those goals.

When it comes to becoming successful at Social Media, I’m definitely NOT the best person to ask. I don’t have millions of followers, I don’t always post the most creative content, and I don’t receive endorsement deals from advertisers to market their products for them. I simply use Social Media as a tool for news and information on our company for new and potential clients, and as a resource for training tips and dietary information for our existing clientele base. I rarely if ever take the time to actually scroll through Instagram, and I honestly cannot recall the last time I logged into my own personal Facebook Account. And yet, even though I try my best to separate myself from the drama and negativity that comes with the territory of having an openly public account in which I speak my opinions and views openly and honestly, I still somehow I find myself entrapped in these online battles, heated arguments and daily verbal attacks.

Early Retirement 

I think I offended a few people with one of my previous blogs when I spoke about early retirement a few weeks ago. One of my Online Haters reached out to me after I released this blog to inform me as to how conceited and arrogant I had made myself sound by even acknowledging that I would be retiring within the next 5 years. I want to be clear that it was not my intention to portray myself in this manner. I simply wanted to state my goal publicly as an extra incentive to remain on track and not to back out or find an excuse as to why this goal could not be achieved.

A few years ago, I set a goal to achieve financial freedom by the age of 40 years old. I didn’t set this goal because I didn’t want to work anymore. I simply set this goal so that I would have the option of when, where and how much I would work once I turned 40 years old. I absolutely love what I do for a living. And I’ll probably continue to work in the Fitness Industry in some form or the other for the remainder of my life. I just don’t want to feel the stress of having to work for a paycheque as I become older if I don’t need to.

One of the very first things I plan on doing when I do eventually leave the Iron Jungle is logging off Social Media for good. I’m not bitter, I’m not mad, I just don’t see the point of using these applications unless they help grow our business. And if I no longer have a business to grow, then I really see no reason to remain online documenting my daily activities, workouts and cooking videos. In fact, I quite miss the days of Not “Doing It For The Gram”, and can’t wait to return to a life that is not documented on a daily basis.

What I’ve Learned

I learned a few valuable lessons this past Monday when Facebook and Instagram shutdown for those 6 hours in which I am ashamed to admit.

I learned that Social Media isn’t real.
I learned that Social Media isn’t life.
I learned that Social Media can make someone feel validated one day, and then left feeling empty the next.
I learned that Social Media can bring people together.
I learned that Social Media can tear people apart.
I learned that Social Media can save lives.
I learned that Social Media can destroy lives.

But most importantly, I learned that I can live without Social Media.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance