I have a confession to make…….
I HATE writing about topics that revolve around dietary nutrition, training, and supplementation. Don’t get me wrong, I love my career and I wouldn’t change anything about my profession. However sometimes I feel as if I live, breathe, and shit fitness 24 hours a day, 7 day week. I wake up every morning to dozens of emails asking me about fat loss products, current fad diets, and ridiculous training gimmicks. I arrive at my gym and coach my clients on the floor for 8-10 hours straight. I than return to my home office where I spend another 2-3 hours answering more emails and designing Nutritional Plans and Training Programs for my online clients. By the time I finish up for the day (which is usually when I write my weekly blogs), the absolute last thing I want to discuss is anything and everything that is related to diet, exercise and fitness.
How Blogging Has Become My Mental Release
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the way in which I view my own life these days. I’ve spoken about this before in previous blogs and past social media posts with regards to how this Global Pandemic has helped open my eyes to see what truly is important in life. I no longer find myself chasing large profit margins. I’m no longer motivated by chiseled six packs and bulging biceps. And I could careless about how politically correct or incorrect my views and opinions come off to my readers. And I owe my new found appreciation for life as well as the confidence that I’ve built with it, to this God Damn Pandemic!
These days I find myself writing more and more about the things that I want to write about, rather than the things I think I should be writing about. Essentially, ever since COVID-19 first hit British Columbia last March, the majority of my blogs and social media posts have been constructed towards topics in which I am passionate about discussing.
Whether it was the horrific greed we witnessed with the toilet paper hoarding during the early stages of this pandemic. Or when our Province declared it’s first State of Emergency. Or the first initial lockdown that forced businesses and schools to close their doors and board up their windows to prevent break-ins and vandalism. I made sure to cover it all and discuss it openly as much as I could.
I gave my honest viewpoints on how I felt our country was handling COVID-19. I provided my support on the usage of masks and social distancing without hesitation. My opinions were never left unheard and I always welcomed others to share their own thoughts and opinions openly on our Social Media Platforms regardless if they agreed with me or not.
With that said, I’m not a journalist nor am I a reporter. I’ve never claimed to know all the facts, and I’ve always tried my best to retract any ignorant or misinformed statements or comments that I’ve ever made over the years. But the fact of the matter is that I have more to offer with my words than just fat loss and muscle building tips. Despite what some people may think of me, I’m not just some Washed-Up Meathead with a good sense of fashion ;^)
Where Do I Go From Here?
I have to be honest, I have no idea as to where my writings will take me over the course of this upcoming year. Each time I sit down with the purpose to write about something related to health and fitness, another Global, Provincial or Political incident comes across my radar that I feel needs to be addressed. And to be frank, I only enjoying writing about topics that make me hard. No not literally, (well at least not always literally) but if I’m not passionate about the topic I’m discussing, than it shows in my work.
So for those of you that read my weekly blogs for dieting tips and training advice, I must apologize for my lack of consistency within these areas this past year. My focus has shifted towards greater events in which I feel are far more impactful on us all both presently and in the future, and if left ignored, I would not be acting true to myself or true to you my avid readers.
“We cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used to create them.”
Albert Einstein
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance