Ask anyone who has ever worked with on their Nutritional Plan and they will tell you, I never count calories. Sure, I have a rough idea as to how many calories I incorporate at the beginning phase of the Diet Plans that I design for clients. However that number changes consistently with each passing week based on each individual’s results that they send me during their weekly check-ins.
Calorie counting to me is pointless if your goal is to lose body fat and build muscle. Now on the other hand if you just want to lose weight (as in water, muscle and some fat) then go ahead and count all the calories you like. But don’t expect the weight that you lose to be strictly “bad weight” simply because you are in a caloric deficit.
To build muscle you NEED to lift heavy and intensely in the gym. To lift heavy and intensely in the gym you NEED to fuel your body adequately. And to fuel your body adequately you NEED to eat properly. And eating properly does not necessarily mean eating less. Actually in my experience with helping people transform their physiques for the past 20+ years, it usually means eating more.
Let me explain…….
All Calories Are NOT Created Equally
I’ve said it before and I’m sure I will say until the day I officially retire and leave the iron jungle for good – All Calories Are NOT Created Equally!
Yes, based on the Nutritional Label alone, 1 cup of white rice for example, contains less calories then 1 cup of brown rice. But besides the fact that brown rice is MUCH higher in fibre, contains LOADS more vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and is FAR more healthier for us than white rice is, it also helps us lose body fat more quickly and efficiently then white rice ever will.
How is that possible though? I mean doesn’t less calories equate to quicker weight loss? Yes, it sure does. But again, is your goal to just lose weight or do you want to lose fat?
Secondly, even though white rice contains less calories then brown rice does, it also ranks very high on the glycemic index which essentially means it can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. And do you know what happens when your blood sugar levels start to fluctuate rapidly? You become irritable, tired, and HUNGRY. And do you know what happens to most people when they become irritable, tired and hungry?
Last I checked, overeating on either bad or good foods most certainly DOES NOT equate to weight loss.
Micronutrients vs Macronutrients – What’s The Difference?
I’ve spoken many times in the past as to why Macronutrient counting alone will not lead to sustainable and long term results. Yes, you will definitely lose weight if you remain in your “recommended” macronutrient allowance for each day. However if the majority or even just half of those daily macronutrients are coming from unhealthy foods, you are going to ultimately feel like crap throughout the day. Yes, you might be able to fit into those jeans that were once 3 sizes too small for you. And sure, you might even get a few compliments on your physique. However I stand by my original statement that if you eat like shit, you will feel like shit. And if you feel like shit, then there is a very good possibility that your internal organs such as your kidneys, heart and liver, won’t be doing too well either.
I’ve always believed in treating my body like a luxury car. I wouldn’t put cheap fuel into my Mercedes. So why the hell would I put cheap food loaded with sugar, trans fats and ingredients that I can’t even pronounce into my body.
Flexible Dieting
Look, I’m all for flexible dieting. Unfortunately the term “flexible dieting” can mean many different things to many different people.
To me flexible dieting DOES NOT mean that I get to have a “cheat meal” everyday.
To me flexible dieting DOES NOT give me a free pass to dump sugar and cream into my morning coffee because it “fits my macros.”
To me flexible dieting DOES NOT allow me to binge eat on ice cream and cake when I get home from work because I was “good” all day on my diet.
When I think of flexible dieting I think of it more as a tool to use when I’m out for dinner at a restaurant that might not have the healthiest options on their menu. I use flexible dieting when I’m invited to a friend or family members’ place for dinner and don’t want to be difficult or rude turning down the meal in which they have made for me. The food choices that I am usually provided with when I go out with others might not all be the best for my body and my health. Therefore I always ensure that when I do have to attend these events or have social obligations where bad food is prevalent, I keep the remainder of my daily foods incredibly clean for the days surrounding the days in which I’m out at these social events and business meetings.
Stop Judging Others
I have yet to meet a single person on this planet (including myself) who has a perfect diet. Trust me, we all have our nutritional vices in which most of us turn to when we are feeling sad, depressed, stressed, happy, or just bored. And honestly in my opinion, this is perfectly normal and completely understandable.
Emotional Eating is incredibly common. I see it all the time with many new clients that need help with their diets and sign up to work with me online for the first time. One of my strategies I use when working with these clients is to find ways in which to teach them how not to use food as a reward or as a coping mechanism. I’m a firm believer that if you truly want to become successful on any diet you are following, then it’s important to establish a healthy relationship with food before you even begin that diet. There’s a reason as to why FAD Diets don’t work in the long term. They’re not realistic, they’re not practical, and most importantly, they’re not sustainable.
If you are serious about transforming your physique and improving your health through Dietary Nutrition, then I believe it’s of utmost important to be able to read food labels correctly, be able to differentiate between macronutrients and micronutrients accordingly, and establish a healthy relationship with food indefinitely.
And if you’re not willing to learn for yourself and/or don’t want to waste your time making mistakes, or perhaps just need some accountability, then my recommendation is to enlist in the services of a Professional Coach that can make the necessary adjustments to your diet in order to assist you upon achieving all of your target health and fitness goals.
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance