I will be the first to admit that I have some pretty bad habits that I’ve never been able to fully break. I work far too much. I lift weights probably more often than I should. And I rarely if ever get more than 4 hours of sleep each night. And these are just a few of the MANY bad habits that I have and have never been able to conquer.
Oddly enough though when COVID-19 first hit British Columbia back in March of last year, and the world went into almost a complete lockdown, I was actually able to gain some control over some of my bad habits. I was working less at first, and sleeping much more than I had ever slept in my entire life. My body felt great. My mind felt rested. I stopped and thought to myself – “Why the hell didn’t I try to break those nasty habits of overworking and under sleeping earlier? And then I promised myself that I would never put my body through that amount of stress ever again.
And then Summer began. Restrictions began to lift slightly. My Business became busier. And as for my old habits? Well it turned out they do die hard…….
The Summer of COVID-19
For most people, the Summer of 2020 was not the most eventful and probably one that most of us would like to forget. Concerts were cancelled, large sporting events postponed, and parades and festivals were called off for the remainder of the year. Technically we were all supposed to be practicing social distancing and staying at home as much as possible as well. Therefore engaging in an activity so simple such as hanging out at the beach with a few friends would raise eyebrows if seen in public.
So what the hell was there to do?
Well for me, I spent the majority of 2020 in our Private Training Facility working 12-14 hours each day, training our In-House Clients and then another 4-6 hours working with our Online Clients back at my home office. I, like many of you, did not take a vacation last Summer. Although I did stop off at the local hospital for a few days to have my appendix removed and was forced to take 5 days off from work afterwards in order to recover. So I guess I did have some time off after all.
To be honest, I had quite a bit of fun last Summer. I really do love what I do for a living and this was the first Summer in 20 years where every single one of my clients was in town due to the fact that there was nowhere they were allowed to go. I watched as so many of our clients achieved extraordinary results with both their physiques and their diets. It was almost as if COVID-19 forced them to train harder and eat smarter. While most people sat around and gained “The COVID Chub” our clients were killing it each and everyday in the gym with us.
As their Coach, I was incredibly proud of all their achievements. And as a Small Business Owner, I was and am forever grateful to them for ensuring that our Business was able to stay afloat during that difficult time.
My Dirty Little Secret
With all that said, after about 3 months, those 20 hour work days were beginning to catch up with me. My body was exhausted. My brain was drained. And I was on the verge of burnout. I was positive that sipping on highly caffeinated drinks and pre-workouts powders all day had fried my adrenal glands, as I was beginning to experience symptoms of severe Adrenal Fatigue. Something felt like it was about to give. And something eventually did – My Appendix!
Now, I’m not going to go back and rehash the graphic story of my TWO Enemas and Appendix Surgery. Although if you missed that Blog, you can find it on our website titled – “The Stupid Things I Used To Think”.
I am however going to tell you that I came back to work from that surgery much faster than I was told I was supposed to take during my recovery phase. And for the first time ever, I’m going to openly admit to you, how I was able to do that……
But not until next week……
Check Out Part 3 of My 3 Part Blog “What’s Your Vice?” Next Week!
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance