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What’s Your Current Position?

Has the Pandemic drained you physically?

Has the beginning of inflation and rising gas prices drained you financially?

Has the stress of a potential world war looming drained you mentally?

I would be lying if I said that the current state of the world did not concern me. I mean here we are slowly starting to come out of a Global Pandemic, into a potential recession, that could lead to a very dangerous and costly world war. I’ve always tried my best to remain optimistic during times like these, however even I can’t help but sometimes wonder at what point will I eventually break.

Challenging Times

I, like many of you, have had my fair of struggles throughout COVID-19. Whether it was having my emergency appendectomy surgery back in August of 2020, or my grand Mal seizure that I suffered at our training facility back in March of 2021, or dealing with the everyday struggles of trying to steer a small business through an infectious disease that continues to mutate and cause illness and death worldwide, the last two years have most certainly been a challenge to say the least.

Ofcourse when people are faced with challenging times we all react differently. Some of us rise to the occasion and look for ways to fight off our adversaries. Others breakdown and retreat with fear. Leaders are born, followers are brought forth, and evil is exposed. Some of us are mentally weaker than our counterparts. Some of us are physically stronger than our peers. Some of us are more empathetic, while some of us are less sympathetic. Human beings are complex individuals. We all have different personality traits and contrasting religious and political views. And because of this, it can become difficult for us all to coexist peacefully, especially during times of chaos, disruption and despair throughout our civilization.

Finding Common Ground

I am proud to say that I am a Liberal. I support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy. I don’t always share all the same views as our Liberal Political Party here in Canada, however for the most part, my views are mostly libertarian. With that being said, I can and still get along fairly well with those who are not as broad-minded as I, as long as their thoughts, opinions and beliefs, do not harm, hurt or disrespect others.

The war in the Ukraine is reprehensible to say the least. This invasion by Russia is a travesty of justice, and a complete and utter disregard to humanity. I’m disgusted by the actions taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Government. Innocent people living in the Ukraine are being slaughtered by the Russian Military. Family homes and businesses are being destroyed by Russian Missile Strikes.

Even though I understand as to why our country and our allies cannot intervene in this war, it frustrates me to sit back and have us do nothing. Sure, the sanctions on Russia most likely will have a negative impact on their economy down the road. But, I’m not sure if punishing the Russian People (especially those that do not support this war) is the answer.

What Are Your Thoughts?

I regret not writing this blog sooner. I’m not one to usually refrain from providing my views and my opinions on global and humanitarian issues. However I needed to take some time to collect my thoughts on this war so that I could articulate my words in a professional and calmly manner.

But you know what?

Fuck that!

I’m Mad!

We need to do more to help support the Ukrainian People and we need to start doing it now!

As a country I believe it’s important to show that we stand united with the people of Ukraine and continue to protest, challenge, and fight against corruption, tyranny, oppression, and a depraved indifference to human life.

“People should care, quite frankly. Because if you’re silent about injustice, you’re giving consent to it.”
Mark Konrad

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance