As a Personal Trainer / Online Coach, I’ve always been very careful to not overpromise anything to my clients. In fact, I don’t promise them anything at all. In an industry that is built on lies, sleazy sales tactics, misconceptions, and false hopes, I prefer to remain honest with our clientele base. And although I don’t make promises on what type of results a person should expect to achieve while working with our team of Trainers, I do guarantee them that we will provide them with the absolute best care and quality customer service.
High Expectations Lead To Disappointing Results
Now that we are six weeks into the New Year, the New Years Resolutioners are starting to dissolve back into their natural habitat of sedentary activity. And although some are still hanging in there, statistics show that very few will make it past the eight week mark training in the Iron Jungle. As someone who has always supported any and all gym newbies, regardless of when and why they join the gym, it always disappoints me to see them stop and give up. Now obviously each person will have his or her own reasons for discontinuing with their workouts, but for the most part, I believe it’s due to a lack of results. Most of these people went into the New Year with the utmost of motivation to transform their physiques and improve upon their health for the better. Yet, after 5-6 weeks of training, dieting and practically avoiding all social situations that revolved around food and alcohol, they are left with nothing to show for all that hard work.
What The Hell Happened?
Well, what happened is quite simple actually. Most of these people who were new to the gym had no idea as to what they were doing. Therefore their training was most likely lackluster at best. Most of these people were also new to dieting. Therefore their diets were most likely half-ass at best.
Now I’m no Mathematician, however I do believe when you take a shitty training program and combine it with a disastrous diet plan, you’re only left with results that will literally speak for themselves. And in this case, these results cease to exist.
What Should I Do?
Regardless if you’re new to working out or have been working out for years on end, if you’re not seeing or feeling results, then something has to change. I’m not suggesting that you should be experiencing results on a weekly basis. Nor am I even suggesting that you should see results within a few short months. Developing a lean, muscular physique, takes YEARS of intense training and consistent dieting. However if you’re not progressing with your training, and you’re constantly regressing with your diet, then all you’re doing is remaining stagnant with your results.
Change Something Now!!!!
Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity was to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result. And although this is not the the true definition of the word insanity, I can’t argue with one of the brightest minds of our time.
If you’re going to the gym and doing the same shit day in and day out and not seeing any change in your physique then STOP what you’re doing. And If you’re following a diet plan that you found online or was given to you by a friend and it’s not working, then STOP following it. Yes, it really is that simple.
Learn Your Body
Whenever I work with a new client, I tell them to be patient with me while I learn their body. What I mean by this, is that it takes time for me to figure out what works and what doesn’t work for each individual that I work with. After twenty years of helping people build muscle, burn fat, transform their physiques, and improve upon their health, I can tell you that there is no one single formula that will work the same for every single person.
Therefore if you’re serious about achieving results, then you have to be willing to put in the time, effort and energy needed to get those results. You wouldn’t walk into a College and expect to be handed a diploma on day 1, so why the hell would you expect to see dramatic results with your physique within a few short weeks of training and dieting?
So When Will You See Results?
I honestly don’t know. But if you’re eating clean, training hard, resting smart and doing all three consistently for weeks, to months, to years on end, then I imagine you’re already seeing them or that you will be seeing them fairly soon……
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance