When I first started my career as a Personal Trainer I was obsessed with making sure that my clients achieved results. I felt it was my duty and my job to ensure that they accomplished all of their health and fitness goals and would only blame myself if these goals were not achieved. At one point I became so fanatic about making sure my clients’ goals were met, that I would actually become extremely stressed and frustrated if they missed a workout or cheated on their diet, as I knew this would only slow down any progress that was to be made.
Fast forward 15 years later and I still very much care if my clients achieve their goals, but by no means do I lose any sleep over it if they don’t. One of the most important things that I’ve realized from working in this industry for over a decade is that no matter how much motivation, education and dedication that I provide to each and every client’s workout, training program or nutritional plan that I design, my clients are ultimately responsible for whether or not they achieve their goals. As their trainer, it is my responsibility to provide them with the absolute best tools and effective resources needed to achieve these goals. I cannot do the exercises for them, nor can I babysit them to make sure that they are not cheating on their diet when they are outside of the gym.
So what happens when a goal is not achieved? Do we make up an excuse? Do we look for someone or something to blame? Do we give up? I personally look for answers. I want to understand why the goal or goals were not achieved. If I understand this, I will understand my client more and have a better understanding of the obstacles the he or she is facing when trying to accomplish their health and fitness goals.
Over the years I have found a few common culprits that have prohibited people from achieving success with both their physiques and their health. I’ve heard endless amounts of excuses as to why something could not be done, as well as some fairly justified reasons as to why something was not done. Whether or not I believe these excuses and/or reasons are reasonable is irrelevant. All that matters is what comes next. Is there a new plan? Is there a new strategy? Is there a new goal?
As someone who has competed naturally in dozens of fitness competitions and has been able to transform his own physique for the better, time and time again, I feel that there are a few key components that are necessary to ensure that we as human beings, are able to continue to achieve our health and fitness goals.
1) Consistency
As any of my clients will tell you, I’m a firm believer in the power of consistency. I’ve always believed that the only way to get better at something, is through repetition and hard work. I do not believe that it’s realistic to expect significant changes or results with anything in life if you are not practicing or working on your craft on a consistent basis. When it comes to transforming your physique and improving upon your health, the occasional workout or clean meal won’t cut it. I believe that we need to be consistent with our training and our diet if we want real results, or we might as well not even bother.
2) Efficiency
Have you ever heard the saying that “any workout is better then no workout”? Well I have and I think it’s a crock of shit. Going to the gym and doing a few exercises while taking 5 minute rest periods between sets to update your status on Facebook or scroll through your Instagram Newsfeed is NOT A WORKOUT!!!! Taking a selfie in the squat rack or sitting on a piece of equipment for 10 minutes texting your buddy is NOT A WORKOUT. If you are not focused on what you’re doing and are not training intensely, then really what’s the point of going to the gym to “workout” at all? What you’re doing will honestly have little to no effect on your physique. Although you might get a few extra followers on Instagram…….;^)
3) Precedency
Look, I understand that not everyone desires to look like a fitness model or has the willpower and discipline to stay fully committed to their diet and training year round. And as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, that’s okay. However if you are dealing with a physical limitation or are significantly overweight or are just feeling overall poorly about your health and outer appearance, then you really should consider making exercise a priority in your life. If you don’t have the time, then make the time. If you lack the motivation to get to the gym, then hire a personal trainer. If you are working with a budget, then join a small group fitness class that is more cost effective. There will always be a reason not to do something but when it comes to your health and your own life, taking care of yourself should take precedence.
So that’s it. These are my 3 main ingredients needed to achieve a healthy, fit, muscular and toned physique. Ofcourse there are many other ingredients necessary to complete and perfect the final product, however I can’t give away all of my secrets in one blog. And besides, if you are missing one of the key ingredients from above, then your product will never truly be a success anyways.
Yours in Good Health,
Nick Cosgrove