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Why Aren’t I Seeing Results?

You’ve been training incredibly intense in the gym day in and day out for the past few months.

You’ve been disciplined and structured with your diet for the better part of this year.

You’ve been laser focused and self motivated on bettering both your health and your physique as more and more COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift slowly.

You’re doing everything right (or at least think you’re doing everything right) in both the gym and the kitchen in order to achieve your target health and fitness goals.

But there’s problem………

You’re not seeing any results.

Diagnosing The Problem

Whenever  I have a new client that comes to work with us who tells me that they have done everything they possibly can, but no matter what they do, just can’t lose body fat and/or build muscle, I often find myself wondering if they truly are doing everything they possibly can and should do in order to successfully improve upon their health and transform their physique.

And to be honest, after I review what they have been doing in both the gym and in the kitchen, more often then not (as in 99% of the time) these clients are most certainly NOT doing everything needed in order to achieve the results they desire.

Train Like Shit, Look Like Shit

I hate to be blunt (ah who am I kidding? I love to be blunt) but if your training is lackluster and your cellphone makes an appearance each time you “rest” in between sets, then there is a very good chance that your workouts are lacking the intensity needed to take your physique up to that next level.

Don’t get me wrong, resting between sets is okay and in fact needed in order to recover properly. However when you’re sitting on your phone cruising Instagram, that 30-45 second rest period can easily turn into 2-3 minutes. By this point your body has completely recovered from your previous set. And we all know (or at least should know if you’re lifting weights regularly) that the most efficient way to build  muscle is when it’s 60-70% recovered, as this forces the muscle bellies to recruit more muscle fibres in order to “lift” this new new load of weight which stimulates muscle growth. Training a muscle that is 100% recovered is pointless. Sure, you might build some strength. But if your ultimate goal is to build muscle and lose fat, then the reality is that you need to rest less, train more, and keep your damn phone in your locker or pocket at all times during your workout!

Eat Like Shit, Feel Like Shit

I can’t speak for everyone however the common theme that I notice amongst our clients when it comes to training performance, quality of sleep and just overall happiness and well-being, is that the ones that have their diets in check, are usually the ones that look and feel the best about themselves.

I’ve been accused by many people over the years of being either “too strict” or “too boring” with my diet. But the fact of the matter is that I enjoy the foods that I eat. I also enjoy waking up with loads of energy and being able to perform at a consistently productive level throughout the day. I don’t need to rely on stimulants to help me get through my day, nor do I need to depend on sugary snacks to help stabilize my moods and blood sugar levels so that I don’t “crash” in the afternoon or early evening.

Essentially when it comes to the foods that I put into my body and the foods that I implement into my clients’ Nutritional Plans, I always choose to use foods that are high in both vital nutrients and minerals and packed with lean quality protein sources, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. I don’t like variables. Therefore I tend to stick with the foods that I know work well for the majority of people that I work with.

When it comes to dieting, sometimes boring works best. However if you’re someone who needs a lot of variation in their diet, this can still be accomplished successfully. You just need to be a little bit more proactive on your part.

A good rule of thumb that I have my clients who enjoy a wide variety of foods is to just stick to 3 simple rules.

  • No White Foods or White Ingredients
  • No Foods That Contain More Than 5G of Sugar per Serving (assuming that you will be sticking to that ONE serving)
  • No Dairy (Save it for a cheat meal if you must)

I have a few more “rules” that I like to have clients follow when it comes to Dietary Nutrition however these are the main 3 that I will start most people off with when helping them with their Nutritional Plan.

The Final Set

I can’t stress this last part enough. When you are finished your workout, you should be FINISHED your workout. What I mean by this is that you should have nothing left in your tank once your workout has been completed.

Sure, there are lots of people who claim to be in the gym for 2-3 hours each day. But the reality is that if you’re in the gym for that long, there is no chance in hell you are giving all of your sets and reps 110%. If you truly are training with the utmost of intensity, then in my opinion, 45-60 minutes should be more then enough time to complete your workout.

Remember, diet and training go hand and hand. Yes, you can do one without the other, however you will achieve much BETTER and much more SUSTAINABLE Results if you put all your effort into being successful at both.

Yours in Good Health,

Nick Cosgrove
Forever Fit Performance