I will be the first to admit that I have some pretty bad habits that I've never been able to fully break. I work far too much. I lift weights probably more often than I should. And I rarely if ever get more than 4 hours of sleep each night. And these are just a few of the MANY bad habits that I have and have never been able to conquer.
Oddly enough though when COVID-19 first hit British Columbia back in March of last year, and the world went into almost a complete lockdown, I was actually able to gain some control over some of my bad habits. I was working less at first, and sleeping much more than I had ever slept in my entire life. My body felt great. My mind felt rested. I stopped and thought to myself - "Why the hell didn't I try to break those nasty habits of overworking and under sleeping earlier? And then I promised myself that I would never put my body through that amount of stress ever again.
And then Summer began. Restrictions began to lift slightly. My Business became busier. And as for my old habits? Well it turned out they do die hard.......
"A vice is a moral failing or a bad habit. Traditional examples of vice include drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, and gambling in card games. But anything can be a vice, as long as there's someone out there who views it as bad behaviour or a moral weakness."
The COVID Challenge
Motherfucking COVID-19 has been a real pain in all of our asses for the better part of the last 15 months. I'm sick of social distancing, I'm tired of wearing a damn face mask, and I'm fed up with hearing about all the deadly variants that are already out there along with some of the new ones that are on the way. This entire year has felt like a really long drawn out horror movie that continues to make shitty sequels and crappy trequels.
Well, it's been a hot minute since my last Blog (Fuck, I really loathe this new Urban Slang used by today's generation almost as much as I loathe the idiotic initialisms "LOL" "OMG" and "BRB".
Ugh STFU!!!!!!!
In all honesty these past few months have been somewhat of a rollercoaster ride for me. With the occurrence of my Grand Mal Seizure back in March, combined with our Business becoming increasingly busier, I've barely had time to breathe, shit and/or mock the Social Media Superstars for their scantily clad photos, meaningless motivational quotes and filtered ass selfies.
But now, after two months, I'm back! And I'm back finally with a diagnosis!
I recently had a new client contact me to inquire about our Personal Training Services. This particular client had been referred to us from one of our own clients who has been working with us for the past 3 years.
During our initial consultation our new potential client informed me that she was a little bit hesitant to work with a Personal Trainer again as she had quite the negative experience with her previous Trainer. When I had asked her why the experience was so negative she explained the entire situation, which unfortunately was all too familiar to me.