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Battle of the Ages…..Part 2

So which generation trains the hardest in the gym and is the most disciplined with their diet?

To answer this question we must first break up our generations into the three different groups that I spoke of in my first instalment of this two part blog.

Let the Battle Begin!

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Battle of the Ages……….Part 1

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with a UBC Grad Student who requested if she could interview me for an assignment that she was working on with regards to the difficulties that Personal Trainers face in today's health and fitness industry when it comes to business marketing and retaining clients. Being the person who usually conducts the interviews and/or consultations with potential clients myself, it was a new experience for me to be on the other end of the conversation for once. And like any new experience that I usually go through, I learned something new. But I didn't learn something new about my business or myself this time. This time I actually learned something new about people in general. More specifically, I learned about the way that different generations respond to the physical demands and rigorous training needed to improve upon one's health, aesthetics and overall well being.

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Fake Trainers and Their Fictitious Results

I know that I usually wait until Mondays to release my weekly blog however I felt that it was necessary to deliver next week's blog a few days early due to the recent influx of delusion of grandeur that I've been witnessing online this past week.

I like to think of myself as being somewhat of a reserved individual when it comes to commenting on posts that I feel are shallow and somewhat narcissistic. I honestly do try my best to refrain from mocking or publicly shaming certain individuals for their countless ass selfies and scantly clad photos that are posted daily on their social media platforms. And fortunately after learning how to put up with this type of behaviour for half a decade, I've become quite good at biting my tongue and looking the other way (most times).

But this recent trend that I'm referring to has blown up like an Akins dieter that has had their first carb meal in 10 months. I've reached my threshold of pain. I've been pushed beyond my physical limitation. The lactic acid inside my body has accumulated to a boiling point. My glycogen has been depleted and my energy levels have been drained. This issue has left me mentally exhausted. And as such, I need to release my frustration in the best way that I know how - With my words.

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Beating the Bullies

Happy New Year!

Before I begin this week's blog I want to start off by wishing every single one of you the absolute best in 2018. I hope that you are able to achieve your dreams, accomplish your goals and reach a new level of success with your health, family and finances in the New Year.

I've never really been the type of person to make New Year's Resolutions. I guess I just never understood the reason to wait until a certain date on the calendar to make a change in my lifestyle that I was not happy with. With that said I do understand the reasoning behind these resolutions and why so many people make them at the beginning of a fresh new year. After all, I do work in the fitness industry and one of the most popular resolutions that people make each year is to become more fit, active and overall healthy.

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