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The New Year Game Plan for the Iron Virgin – Part 3

Now that we've covered how an Iron Virgin should approach his or her training, nutrition and supplementation to maximize results, I think we should move on to how an Iron Virgin should mentally prepare for a workout. Listen, I understand that the gym can be an intimidating place. Between people strutting around with perfect physiques, muscular meatheads grunting and groaning loudly, and shameless selfie takers constantly taking photos of their asses and abs to post on their IG Stories, the entire workout experience can be discouraging at times. And I would be lying if I said I've never come across a gym douchebag at least once or twice in all my years of training in the iron jungle. However to coexist peacefully with the Gym Bros and Broettes of the world, you're going to need a few pointers. And here they are:

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The New Year Game Plan for the Iron Virgin – Part 2

Lesson #2 - Vitamins, Minerals & Super Supps!

It can be challenging when trying to navigate through a sleazy supplement industry that's full of pixie dust and sugar pills. The sad reality is that the majority of legal supplements sold at your local health store or from an online sales merchant offer little to no benefits whatsoever. Most Supplement Companies aren't even fully transparent with their listed ingredients. And the ones that are, rarely if ever provide the exact amounts of each ingredient that you are consuming for every "scoop" you swallow or for every "pill" you pop.

In my opinion, the Supplement Industry as a whole is grossly oversaturated with garbage that just doesn't work. And yet, time and time again, people fall victim to sexy labels and empty promises from juiced-up meatheads that give credit to these shameless companies for their God-like physiques to fulfill their sponsorship contracts.

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The New Year Game Plan For The Iron Virgin

Do you find the gym to be an intimidating place?

Do you feel embarrassed performing exercises that you don't think you are doing correctly?

Do you feel ashamed about your body?

If you answered yes to any or all of the questions above, there's a good chance that you're an Iron Virgin.

And if you are an Iron Virgin, then there is absolutely nothing to feel intimidated, embarrassed or ashamed about. We've all been there.

However, as an Ex-Iron Virgin myself, I do understand what you're going through and how you are feeling. I still remember the first time I set foot in a training facility. I had so much anxiety and fear that I was going to either look stupid, hurt myself or break a piece of exercise equipment. In fact, for the first few weeks, I spent the majority of the time wandering around the gym aimlessly while taking multiple trips to the water fountain just so that I looked busy and didn't draw attention to myself.

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If I Only Knew Then….

Like many of you, I've made A LOT of mistakes in my life.

Like many of you, I've done A LOT of stupid shit in my life.

And Like many of you, I have A LOT of regrets in my life.

However, just like many of you, all the mistakes I made and stupid shit I did has helped me transform into the person I am today. And although that person still continues to make mistakes and do stupid shit, I'm now able to move forward without feeling any regrets.

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