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Did you know that I used to be overweight?

Yes, it's true. "Mr. Workout" himself used to have a weight issue back in the day. In fact, the first 12 years of my life I spent as the chubby, fat kid who suffered from low self esteem. I used to get picked on in school because of my weight and was constantly bullied by my peers on a regular basis because I lacked the confidence to fight back. As a result of my low self esteem issues, I became increasingly more shy and reserved the older I became. I had difficulty making friends and even the friends I did have, would occasionally make fun of me for being overweight.

I remember purposely wearing clothes that were too big for me because I was embarrassed of my physique. I remember eating in private because I was afraid of people seeing and judging me while I ate. And I remember never looking in mirrors because I was ashamed with how I looked.

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I like sex.

You like sex.

I think we can all agree, that we all like and enjoy having sex.

Due to world-wide pandemic of COVID-19 and being forced to self isolate and stay at home, some of us are now having more sex if we live with our significant other. And some of us are having less sex if we live with yet don't like our significant other. And some of us are having absolutely no sex if we don't have a significant other.

Regardless of how much or how little sex we are having, it's important to remember that sex is in fact very healthy for us. Not only does sex feel good, but it's good for our mental health as well as our physical health.

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Despite all the stress, chaos and turmoil going on in the world right now, I actually had something to look forward to this week. And that was writing my 250th Blog.

For the most part, writing as always come easy to me. Over the years I've used my words as weapons to combat fake trainers, fad diets, gym selfies, and Instagram stars. And I've used my blogs to educate, inspire and motivate others to hopefully take their own health and fitness goals seriously.

Now although to some, my weekly blogs might read as just incoherent dribble and verbal diarrhea being released by a grumpy old Trainer, who's still stuck in an analog world. However to me they are a reflection of the time, effort and work that I've put in each and every week to remain consistent with something that is important to me to complete and release to our clients and followers, regardless of what's going on in the world and within my own life. However if I were to be completely honest, I would have to admit, that my blogs are written for myself the writer, just as much as they are written for you the reader. Yes, as I mentioned, writing has always come easy to me. But it's also always been very therapeutic for me as well.

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God Damn Mother Fu#king COVID-19!

I Hate You!

You've Destroyed Lives!

You've Terminated Jobs!

You've Triggered Depression!

You've Caused Despair

You've Created Greed!

You've Increased Theft!

And You've Given Me An Idea........

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